New Challenges

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Yongguk Continuation:

I'm in so much pain, my leg and shoulder both hurt, with blood flowing from both areas I don't know if I'll survive. If my brother was here I'm sure he would help me even though I'd refuse. Yongnam is living a better life and so should I.

"I'm.... almost there....just...a..little bit....more..." My breathing is getting worse but I can see a few buildings in front of me.

There's a tall fence separating the city and forest. "Now... I need to... change." My energy felt as if it was draining away and it wasn't a choice for me to change into a human body anymore.

With every bit of effort I had left I climbed up the fence and as I did, I could see those wolves nearly attack me again.

"That was... too close." They snapped and growled at me from below.

When I dropped to the ground I could barely stand. I took a few steps before falling down, then slowly got back up. I wobbled a little as I took two more steps and fell once again. I had no strength but I had to find a place to stay before night fall. I tried so hard to lift myself and failed. My fatigue from the journey and blood loss from the wounds caused me to loose consciousness. I heard a female voice call out to me in my sleep and I could hear a baby's cry.

I woke up, was ready to run when a lady sitting next to me said to calm down. I stopped struggling and came to the realisation that I seemed to be on a soft surface of some kind but it wasn't like the leaves and sticks I usually lay on. This must be the bed my mother told me about. I sniffed and licked it, when I did the lady next to me giggled. "Are you feeling better now?"

Her voice was familiar. "You! I heard your voice in my sleep." I quickly moved my body to the other side of the bed.

"Please use your manners. I am Irene and you are?" She smiled but I glared at her since I was on guard. That is, until I smelt her scent. It was different, it was a special smell.

"You're a...changeling like me?" I stopped glaring and slowly moved closer with curiosity, sniffing a little as I moved.

"You finally realised and I thought bears had sensitive noses. Especially grizzly bears. I see you're still young even if you left the cave." She knew what I was. Of course she knows.

"You're a grizzly too." I flinched at a new smell filling my nose. "Is someone else hear?" I could smell another scent of grizzly.

"Yes, I am and that would be my lovely child Junhong." She turned around and I could see a baby.

I've never seen a baby changeling let alone another family of my kind. It was a lot to take in, then a thought popped into my mind. "Where is the father?" I suddenly looked around in panic.

"He left a long time ago." Irene looked as if she was going to cry. I didn't know what to do so I just patted her shoulder awkwardly.

"Thank you but I really must be going. You should rest and I'll be back tomorrow before hibernation." She stood up and walked over to say goodbye to her baby.

"I. Am. Yongguk." I managed to mumble with my head facing down.

She laughed a little again. "Well Yongguk, please take care of Junhong while I'm gone." She smiled once more before leaving.

How can she trust me so easily? Is it because we're the same kind? This must be what it's like to rely on others. I'm still not someone she should trust, we don't know anything about each other apart from knowing we're rare species. I have more important things to worry about right now, like my wounds being healed, or where am I and how do I look after this cub?

"Waaaaaaaahhh! Waaaaaaahhh!" The child began to cry as I was thinking about what to do. I couldn't ignore it and walked over to the cot.

"Why are you making this noise?" I furrowed my eyebrows as the baby saw me. It changed into a bear cub and started moaning instead of crying like a normal human child.

I picked the cub up with my shoulder still feeling sore and carried it in my arms. The child squirmed and continued to make louder noises. "Could you please calm down! I don't know how to deal with a child like you. It's my first time so please, just calm down for me."

The cub paused as I spoke but then started grunting and moaning once again. The cub was getting too heavy to carry so I took him to my bed, laid down and brought him up into my chest so he found comfort.

"Your name is Junhong, right?" I stroked my right hand through his fur while holding him with my left hand and laying on the left side of my body. "You made my wounds hurt more, you little brat." I was angry but seeing him finally fall asleep in my arms made me smile a bit. "I'll take care of you, don't worry."

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