Chapter 30.

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This time Devon was arrested because he had got into a nasty street brawl. Considering that he was earlier involved in two road offences, chances looked dim that he would be returning to the neighborhood anytime soon.

The first thing I felt when I heard about his arrest was pain slicing through my heart. And then a burning anger for him. He knew very well that his actions affected me, that I care for him, yet he chose to continue with his reckless acts. He wasn't bothered that I could be hurt as long as he got to live up to his image of a bad boy. I never thought he would take me for granted. He just proved my importance in his life.

"Eleanor, relax! Don't get so worked up," Stef said in a pacifying tone.

"No. I've every right to," I retorted, "This is the reason why he didn't give me a promise. He doesn't find me worthy enough to give me his word. He doesn't consider me important enough to take care of himself. I was honestly better off ignoring him. Look what has happened now!"

"Parker is not being co-operative with the cops either," said Josh.

I clenched my fists tight hearing that.

"Josh! why do you have to open your giant of a mouth always," Stef sent him a reprimanding glare.

"Sorry," he muttered, running a hand through his hair.

"Eleanor, don't—don't listen to him," Stef told me.

But I already did. And I wasn't shocked. It was typical of Devon to be difficult. I felt like a fool to have been thinking so much about him when all he would be thinking right now was to cause disruption. I felt like a fool for having believed everything he had told me that night because now his words appeared pathetically shallow. Devon may like me but not enough to respect my feelings.

"Eleanor, everything will be fine," said Adam.

"You know what, I don't really care now. I'm not gonna go visit him in jail. He can do whatever he wants do like he always does. If he doesn't gives a damn about me then why should I?"

But it was easier said than done. I ended up missing him bad everyday and waiting for him to come back. I couldn't get him out of my head. The more I thought about him, the more I felt loneliness smother my heart.

Pain and emptiness echoed inside me instead of life. The more I tried to find a way out of my misery, the more I felt the reigns of despair tighten around me...

Gran, as usual, strongly criticized Devon and was of opinion that he be severely punished along with the other offenders. Everyday I saw Jackson seated on the front porch with a sad droopy face and eyes forlornly gazing down at the road awaiting his beloved brother's return. As for Mr. Parker, he had to cancel an important business meet in Manhattan and rush back to the neighborhood upon news of Devon's arrest. I'd never seen Mr. Parker so tormented and shattered before.

"It's all my fault," he said remorsefully, "He never wanted to come to Crawford Lane on the first place. I won't make him live here any longer if he doesn't wants to. I don't want him to suffer anymore."

That night I went to bed with disturbing thoughts in my head. I turned to my side and closed my eyes, struggling to cope up with my loneliness to fall asleep.

I felt a hand get under my summer dress and caress the skin of my thighs. My palpitations rose at once feeling those fingers....

I was so familiar with that sensual touch....


His fingers wandered all the more sinfully under my dress. I was further aroused feeling him place wet kisses on my bare hip. My breaths hitched and I clutched the bedsheets tight when his hot mouth had got dangerously close to the elastic of my panties....

I was breathing heavily by the time he started trailing feathered kisses up my bare arm, his one hand still massaging my hip...

"Devon....!" I gasped, shifting my body to lay on my back and he came over me.

Our faces were very close. I was staring into his captivating deep blue orbs.

"Missing me?" he whispered in his usual swoon worthy dense voice.

"Very...." I responded, sliding my hand around his neck.

My eyes closed as he started to line warm smooches across my jawline and making me squirm against his torso. He dipped his head lower to kiss my neck in various spots in the most exciting of ways. I wriggled in pleasure under him on the bed, doing my best to bite back every moan....

"Devon...!!" I rasped breathlessly when I felt him biting the skin over my collarbones.

I heard him groan as he intertwined his fingers with mine. My breaths wobbled all the more when he pinned my hands to the bed on either side of my head and started trailing kisses downward towards my cleavage.... By the time, he shifted his body weight to look up at me again, I was panting with arousal.

"What if I'm gone forever?" his baritone voice echoed in the dead silence of the room...

"You wouldn't, Devon," I responded, letting my fingers wander over his exquisite facial features before holding his face. "You will come back soon. I know I'll see you again. "

"But then, I could be facing some serious charges. I may have attacked that guy so bad that he may be on his death bed. Street fights could get that serious."

"No! You didn't!" I said critically. "You just can't think of taking someone's life!"

"You can't ignore the fact that I was drunk," he said bluntly, "And it's a known fact I absolutely suck at controlling my temper...I might have lost control over myself and---"

"Why are you hell bent onto proving that you're the bad guy here?" I snapped, reprimanding him strongly.

"Why are you hell bent onto proving that I'm the innocent guy here?" he counter-questioned, the edges of his irresistible lips curling into a sly smirk.

I felt my bones flaming in anger and frustration. This is so typical of Devon. Argg!!

I jerked him all the more closer to me, if that sounded possible enough. "Nothing will happen to you. You will come back soon." I whispered against his cheekbone.

He smiled impishly, staring deeper into my dazed irises. I clutched his shirt tight, my heart galloping, as I felt him place a kiss right next to my lips. Heck, I pretty much felt his lips brush against the edge of mine.

"You may never see me again," Devon smiled his lopsided smile.

My eyes flew open and I woke up to the darkness of my room, breathing heavily...

Instagram: rashmita_b

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