Outside The Walls (Ch.2)

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Two days after the incident of Levi and Mikasa, The Scouting Regiment were getting ready to go outside the walls and have another Expedition.

Mikasa was getting ready with her 3D Manuever Gear and suddenly, Levi came out of nowhere and grabbed her by the arm and pinned her against the wall of the stables. She was about to speak then she was cut off by Levi kissing her, Mikasa's lips were soft and delicious, Everytime Levi pulls back from the kiss, Mikasa then kisses him back.

"Please don't die in this expedition Mikasa." Levi stated. "I will try my best to avoid death my love". Levi was shocked because Mikasa suddenly called him love.

Commander Erwin saw them and requested them to get ready and hop onto their horses. When they were on their horses, Commander Erwin made sure that everybody was ready for the new expedition.

In a few minutes, he then shouted "FORWARD!!". Then the wall gate opened and the whole Survey Corps were now riding their horses through the plain lands and the horizon. All of the Scouts felt the land breeze blow through them.

Levi was watching Mikasa ride her horse as she looked beautiful when the wind blew through her hair. She then looked back at him and he saw her blush a tint of pink in her cheeks.

Then they were now close to the forest. Some minutes later, They encountered some titans and the whole Scouting Regiment jumped off their horses and started combat with the titans.

Levi was extremely swift as he killed 29 titans in just 4 minutes. Mikasa killed 15 in 2 minutes.

Suddenly a titan reached out to Mikasa and grabbed her. She started to struggle just to get free but stopped to realize that she cannot do anything.

"Is this the end for me? I mean, I just started to be in a relationship with him.." Mikasa was crying as she thought to herself when the titan was about to devour her.

Levi out of nowhere then came rushing in and slashed the titan's nape loosening its grip around Mikasa. then she fell from it's hands and started descending to the ground.

"LEVI!!" Mikasa shouted falling into the ground but Levi instantly caught her just in time before she hits the ground. Mikasa opened her eyes and saw that Levi was starring at her while he was using his 3DM Gear to retreat.

"Thank you so much!..I-i'm sorry that I can't keep your pr-' Just as Mikasa was apologizing to Levi, she suddenly fainted on his chest and went into a slumber.

Time Skip to Dusk

Mikasa woke up on a bed and she realized that she was in the infirmary. She tried getting up but her legs were wounded during the near-death experience with a titan.

She then checked her surroundings and saw that Levi was asleep at a chair beside her bed. He was sitting while sleeping. Which looked weird and unique.

She then heard a knock on the door and saw Eren come inside the room.

Eren was shocked when he saw Captain Levi sleeping at the chair beside Mikasa's bed. But he ignored that fact and went closer to Mikasa then held her hand.

"Mikasa, Are you recovered now? Do your legs still hurt? Did the captain do something to you?" Just as Eren asked, Levi then woke up and gave him a threatening glare.

"Oi brat, I did not do anything to her, I was just looking out for your sister because her legs are wounded and that the medic said that I need to stay and look out for Mikasa. You're lucky I saved your sister from getting eaten by a titan when you weren't around that time." Levi spoke and Eren became mad but he forced himself to calm down in just a few minutes and instead thanked Levi for saving her.

"Hey, sorry Mikasa, I gotta go. It's your brother's turn to look out for you now." Levi said then he left the room and went to his office.

As Mikasa saw Levi going out of the room, She felt some sadness but then instantaneously became a little bit happy and smiled because Eren was there with her.

"So Mikasa, What's with you and Levi?" Eren asked. Mikasa suddenly sighed. "Im going to be honest Eren, Levi is my lover." Eren was shocked when he heard what she said about Levi being her lover.

"Well, good to know! Atleast I'm not the only one in the Scouting Regiment!" Eren said. "What do you mean you're the only one?" Mikasa asked.

"Well, I also am in love with Annie but didn't admit it to everyone yet. And you also love Levi, So that makes you guys another one of those pairs they talk about!" Eren happily confessed to me.

"Oh, You and Annie are a love pair as well?" Mikasa asked. "Maybe! And that time, We are gonna be together once another expedition is planned." Eren spoke with confidence in his words.

"Well, you should go back to sleep Mikasa. Tommorow we're having training and you still have a day off since your legs are still wounded. But its ok, Me and Levi will take turns on looking out for you" He said and she smiled. "Thank you. Eren." Then Mikasa pulled Eren closer to her and gave him a sisterly hug.

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