Female Titan (Ch.11)

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A day left until another Expedition is about to commence. Survey Corps members were preparing supplies to ensure that the capturing of the Female Titan's user is successful. The task was to lure it inside a forest with extremely large trees and trap it inside with the new technology they made for capturing titans.

"Hey, Eren. Don't even try to be a suicidal bastard this time alright?" Mikasa as his sister. Warned him.

"I'll try.. It actually depends on the situation you know.." Eren replied with an unsure tone.

"Just.. don't try to die." Mikasa lastly spoke.

Mikasa starts to walk to where her position was in the formation. She spots Levi while doing so and he looks at her with care in his eyes before she climbs ontop of her horse and gives him a nod as a reply for him that she'll stay alive.

Erwin then looked behind him and made sure that everyone was on their mounts.

"Everyone on your horses?!" Erwin shouted a question.

"Sir yes sir!" Everyone replied

"Now. Open the walls!" He commanded some Stationary Guards.

"Alright. As you remember. This mission is all about capturing the Female Titan. So there's a possibility that most of you will die. Which means, I can't ensure everybody here that they'll live to see the end. Are you alright with that?!" Erwin shouted

"Sir yes sir!" Everyone couragely replied.

"Great! Now show them the strength of Humanity! Forward!!" Erwin shouts his command and the whole Survey Corps starts to proceed outside the walls. Each of their horses galloping throughout the plains and starting to feel the breeze yet again.

Some Minutes Later..

The walls were far from sight which means that they're nearing the destination they are headed to. Titans then came to sight and some of the Survey Corps started combat with them. A different Titan was heading towards the center formation extremely fast. It was the Female Titan. Signal Flares were shot to the sky to warn the other formations. Especially the center guard.

"Levi. Take Mikasa and Eren with you. We'll ready the traps once you get there." Erwin commands.

"Yes. Make sure this mission will be successful." Levi replies and heads off.

Levi commands a scout to tell the side guard to send Mikasa to him. The scout then went off and found her.

"Miss Ackerman. The Captain wants your presence. He is in the center guard." The scout said.

"Got it." Mikasa replies and went off.

She arrives to the center guard and Armin, Eren, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Jean were there.

"Welcome to the new Special Operating Squad Mikasa." Levi spoke.

"So. What's our first task as the new SOS?" Mikasa asks.

"We are to handle the situation if things get out of hand. For example, The Female Titan tries to escape." Armin spoke with determination.

Minutes later after descussing their tasks, Black Flares were seen being shot in the forest.

"Black Flares?! Which means..." Armin thinks to himself.

"Sir! The Female Titan has arrived! What are your orders?!" Armin panicked.

"Just continue forward with more applied speed." Levi calmly says.

"But sir! Alot of scouts are getting pummeled and killed!" Eren angrily refuses.

"Eren. If you want to stop it with your own hands, I wouldn't restrict you. Nobody knows whether it's right or wrong until you arrive to some sort of outcome from the choice. So make your decision Eren." Levi says and the whole squad looks at him.

Mikasa looks at him with no in her eyes.

"Tsk. Fine! Let's just move forward everyone. Put our trust in the Captain." Eren says and starts to regret his decision as more scouts nearby were getting killed.

They arrived to the center of the forest and it was filled with traps that they never knew of. Except for the Captain.

"FIRE!!" Erwin commands every personnel incharge with the traps.

Wires shot through from every trap that was set and it pierced the Female Titan's body. Making a halt to it's movements and preventing it from escape. Suddenly, The Female Titan roars with painful noise and later on, Numerous titans started going inside the forest.

"Squad Levi! Prevent them from coming in!" Erwin commands the SOS.

They slashed through lots of napes from different kinds of titans. The Female Titan managed to escape and was about to strike Mikasa with it's hardened fist. Mikasa had a fearful expression until Levi once again came rushing in and slashed one of It's eyes. But suddenly, Almost everyone heard a bone snap and they looked to where the source was. It was Levi. He was accidentally hit at one of his legs impacting a nearby tree by the left arm of the Female Titan while it was running.

"LEVI!" Mikasa shouts while looking at a horrifying sight of him falling. But he remembered that he promised her that he will live. A wire then instantly shot from his 3D Manuever Gear to a tree and Levi manages to hold on a big branch. Barely holding onto his life. The scouts of the SOS came rushing in to aid him. They took him to a cart and the mission was considered a failure.

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