Unraveling Memories

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Earth. Really!? Why?... I paused for a moment and then said hesitantly, "Why there?". He then replied, "Don't you want to go there?". I looked at him and said hesitantly, "I want to but-". "Oh well, since you're new here, I guess you still wouldn't consider going back there.", he cut what I was going to say. Without thinking, I asked, "What do you mean?". "Nothing.", he answered. Why can't my questions get through him? I hope we find another person like us so that I could possibly understand everything that's happening. I also hope the pain in my chest would go away. I say, I wish. "Let's go.", He flew ahead towards Earth and as I followed, the pain in my chest worsened. I couldn't handle it anymore so I crouched and clutched my chest again. I was about to call him but I couldn't shout anymore for the pain was unbearable. "Hey-", I tried again. I felt like I lost my ability to fly. Slowly, I descended from my place and closed my eyes. It wasn't long before I felt something around me. "Are you okay?". I slowly opened my eyes and found his arms around me. "Ye-", the crazy pain is still there. He held my hand to I guess check my pulse. The pain drifted away when he did that. Strange. I've gathered my senses and spoke to him, embarrased, "Sorry! I'm fine now. Umm thanks!". I slipped my hand off his, and then again, the pain came back and I crouched. "You're not fine!", he shouted as he held my hand again. I stopped crouching. "Could it be, I should be holding your hand in order for you to be cured?", he said seriously. "I-i don't know.. Sorry for the trouble..", I said sadly. I should've been following him and his business. I let go of his hand and went to space, but before I could fly up, he grabbed my hand. "Let's just say that's the rule here.", he said. "Hah?", I blurted out, confused. "And by the way, call me Yosuke.". Oh, we haven't introduced our names yet. " My name is Kara.", I smiled. He smiled faintly. We flew to Earth together and just as he said, the pain in my chest was gone. It wasn't long before we arrived to a quiet street without any people. All I could see was a post sign and some walls and signs. He pulled me towards the end of the road and there, I freezed. There I saw a boy being crushed by a car. It was also strange that there was no driver and there were no people around. Just an end of a quiet street with a poor human and a car. "That's me.", He pointed at the boy under the car. I went silent and my eyes became teary. Really..?. "W-what do you mean?". "I died a long time ago. That sight will never disappear in my watch. So as for yours too.". Hah..? What does he mean.. "Wanna go to yours?", He asked calmly. WHAT!? What does he mean again!?. I was shocked and responded, frightened, "I-i don't know. I didn't d-". "Yes you did. I'm sorry. You have got to accept it too.", He said as he cut my response. After that, I told him everything from the start that it was just a wish come true and so on that I was here. He nodded and nodded and after I said everything, he said, "I guess your situation is different from mine.". I couldn't think of a good reply. "Maybe.. I'm sorry for your- loss too. I really am.", I said as I looked down weeping. "Thanks, and don't worry, everything is okay. Besides, that was a long time ago.", He said. A lot has happened lately, unexplainable and strange things. What's there for me this time? What should I do now? Did I really die? So, if I died, a lot of commotion must have been happening below. How about above? What do I do now that I'm already above? I used to believe that there was a wonderful place called heaven whenever people lose their lives, and wonder what they would do there, and that everything that happens are good and everyone was happy. Now that I'm here, I guess I'm also dead. I guess all I could do is explore all the marvelous things up there and enjoy the silence to be happy, and I guess, be together with good people around me, or maybe not all of them are good -shrugs-. All I wanted was to fly, how did this happen? So it is true that we should be careful on what we wish for. Looking up the other way around, I guess it would be more peaceful just being like this. I guess it was meant for me, to be happy this way. It's not like I really wanted to die since I was still alive but, maybe this is my destiny. To be free in every way and have all the wonderful things around me, up above. I also thought of my friends, family, and everything that is below when I was still there. I cheered myself up a bit and thought positive. Going back to reality, It's been a while since I've been staring at a wall and I noticed Yosuke looking at me. I woke up from my thoughts and flinched as Yosuke noticed me looking at him. As soon as I was about to appologize, he immediately spoke first, "Thinking deep, huh?". "S-sorry! Yeah I am.. I was. Hehe~", I replied. He laughed and said, "Been there.". "Ahh is that so? hehe.", I responded as I made a peace sign. It's the first time I've seen him laugh and talk freely. Oh! I almost forgot, we've been holding hands for a long time already. I wish I could let go already but since it's a rule now -sigh-. It must be trouble for him, and I guess for me too cauz who knows it's the cure- Oh wait. "Um since I'm dead already, I guess, shouldn't I not need a cure anymore?", I said to him. I hope you answer this oh pleaseeee just this one for now. "I don't know. But why do you keep feeling that pain then?" . That impacted me for awhile. Yeah.. Why? "What if.. I just let it be? Do you know what would happen?", I asked without thinking. "I don't know too. But I won't let that happen.", he tightened his grip on my hand. "Hahhh? We could cancel this rule if you want you know, if you're that loyal with things like that..", I replied without thinking again. What was I thinking hhhhh so embarrasing! After a while, silence occured between us. I don't like feeling awkward so, bravely, I looked at him seriously in his eyes and spoke to him, "Hey niguh.". I laughed like never being able to laugh for a long time. I looked at him to see his reaction but he was covering his face with his other hand. Oh um holeh. I started to make my hand escape from his grip again, and it was succesful. I waved at him as I flew like an eagle away from him and said while smiling, "Goodbye Yosuke! Thanks for everything!". I went up and up as fast as I could without looking back. Dear I am so scared. I don't know if I should or shouldn't be. Oh what could happen. I should be living my life above now, that's what I've decided. I'll go back here once I feel like it. The after effect of the pain in my chest? I want to find that out too. I'll bear the pain till I pass hehe. I reached the last atmosphere already and I felt as happy as a free bird. Freeeee freee freeeeee!~ I'm gonna think of where I want to go now. Before I could start thinking about them, I thought of Yosuke. Will he be alright? I left him so sudden too hhh. I seriously don't want to think of anything aside from exploring the things out here. I don't want to be rude but.. I just want to be alone.. I drifted away from Earth and went towards the moon. Good thing the land we went was like infront of the moon~ The moon was a bit smaller compared to Earth. It looked like a white and yellow circle cheese. As I went near it, the pain started again but I just ignored it. Its luminousity really amazes me. I think I'm going to stay there for long. I smiled like showing off all the happiness I've truly felt.

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