Chapter two: At the gates

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What did one saggy boob say to the other ?

"We better perk up or people will think we're nuts!"

Thanks to all who are reading enjoy!


As soon as I realised I can, my eyes fly open and I get up. Where am I? Erm... All I see is more white. Great. I'm beginning to hate this colour. Whatever, I can kinda see a blurry shape not too far away, and since i have no idea where I am, why I'm here or what the hell to do, I'm gonna go check it out.

I feel a bit tense as the blur begins to focus. I stop walking. I'm not sure if I want to see this blur. I mean the last one turned out to be my own dead body so I'm not so keen. Oh shut up Lauren. It's a shape not your dead body. I'm right, this shape is far too tall to be my mangled corpse.

Plus I have questions. Lots of them, and I need answers.

I continue walking, inwardly getting pissed at myself for stopping in the first place. I look back quickly just to see if there is anything there. Nope nothing but as I turn back again I smack into something. I crash down to , what looks like the floor letting out a frightened scream. Crawling back quickly I notice the 'thing' was actually a boy not too much older than me. His face was sad and his eyes were puffy. He offered his hand out to me, and I took it.

I was getting tired of all this crazy weird shit happening to me. I felt incredibly overwhelmed, and the appearance of this mystery boy has set me off. I begin to cry.

I hate myself for doing it but I am. I'm crying in front of a boy who I've never met before. But instead of looking confused or weirded out, he looks sorry. Sorry for me. But how can he feel sorry for me when he doesn't even know me?

I don't not expect what comes next. He pulls be into a hug. And I let him. I'm feeling very venerable and touchy right now and I accept his hug and I let him hold me. He is warm and soft. I think he is crying to, not quite as much as me and my pathetic sobs, but still. I enjoy the embrace of the mystery boy.

We stand here in the white for I don't know how long. I don't want it to end. It's the most human thing I've felt since... Since I died I suppose. A thought hit me. Wherever I am, I'm here because I'm dead right? So this boy must be dead too?

I hadn't realised but he had begun to pull away from me and I have stayed stone still. He looks at me probably trying to figure out what I'm actually doing. I open my eyes and stand like a normal person, or ghost or whatever I am now. I take a long hard look at this mystery boy. He is taller than me, and that's quite a thing because I'm fairly tall myself. His messy blonde hair hangs loosely around his soft face. And his eyes. His eyes nearly make me start crying again. Their as clear and Crystal and perfect as Megan's. Megan.

To take my mind off it I look at his clothes. He's wearing dark blue jeans and a plain white t shirt, with some scruffy work style boots. His jeans are creased and there is a huge blood stain on his chest. He stands deadly still all the muscles in his body clenched and hard. He is slim, and from what I can see quite muscular. I look back to his face and realised he is staring back at me looking quite self-conscious.

I blush a little when I realise I've made him uncomfortable, giving him the up and down.

"Hi I'm Riley" the blonde boy says with a small and weird wave. Riley Is a nice name. In my opinion anyway.

"Lauren" I reply sweetly.

" and thanks... for er ..." He nods knowingly. At the time the hug felt comforting. Now it's just a bit aqward.

" so where am I then?" I ask, because I might as well take advantage of the appearance of the mysterious Riley, the saviour of my sanity.


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