Chapter one: Dead

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Okay so wattpad completely messed up my whole book "at the gates" and deleted and mixed up chapters that I couldn't fix so I have decided to just re-publish the whole thing. New name new cover and I'm going through the whole thing again to try and make it better,

Hope you enjoy the new and improved version.


"What colour?" I ask my best friend Megan fretts.

"Eeerm purple please!" She chirps. I hand her a purple coloured starburst, we check the road as we cross.

Halfway across the road she throws a scrunched up wrapper at my face, naturally, I turn to block it. As I did so I noticed a black polo racing round the corner, I shove Megan out of the road and she falls to the pavement. The polo is right next to me now I feel a sharp pain in my neck and back as I fall.

The pain is completely gone seconds later.


I stand and rub the back Of my neck, just to double check. Nothing.

The polo has stopped further down the road, but the driver shows no signs if getting out. I get off the floor and walk over to Megan. She is half siting half lying on the path and is stone still. Her eyes are fixed on something, wide and horrified.

"What a twat." I groan as I sit down next to her throwing my head back and sighing.

She says nothing.


Still nothing. Her gaze is still fixed the same way.

"Yo Megan!"I yell trying to get her attention. Not even a flinch. I reach out to shake her shoulder and my hand stops millimetres away from her. What the hell?

I try again using my whole bodyweight to try to touch her. Nothing is working. I fall back down. This is crazy. My breathing is heavy and fast, partly because of the effort and partly from panic. What is this?

Megan reaches into her pocket and pulls out her white blackberry presses a couple of buttons and puts it to her ear. I can hear it ringing.

Her eyes still have not moved from their mesmerised gaze. Out of all other ideas I follow her gaze to a weird shape in the road. I squint to get a better look and I realise it's a person.

"Oh shit!" My jaw drops as I run over to see if the poor person is alive. I stop and my stomach tightens. Megan's gaze holds. The body is fairly mangled. It lay sprawled across the road at all sorts of awkward angles.

Her neck is definitely broken. " hello. Um. Yes ambulance. Police." I turn and look at Meg. Her clear blue eyes stay unchanged, but she looks like she could cry now, opposed the blank expression, painted across her face just minuets ago.

"Um yes, 34 crow field road gu14 8rd. Yes okay. No shes definitely dead." She winces at the word dead, it comes out flat and cold. A single tear falls. I'm about to cry but I need to be strong for the both of us. Poor Megan. she is too kind for this crap.

Well Megs has taken care of the 999 situation so I reluctantly walk around the mangled girl to see if I can see her face. I can't really see her because her blood soaked hair is in her face. I feel really ill now. This is disgusting. I hold back the bile rising in my neck. I'm definitely going to need therapy for this.

I grab a small twig and move some hair out the girls face. I wish I hadn't.

A small petrified squeal escapes my lips. It's me. The dead mangled twisted body is mine.

I can't take my eyes away. Get up now Lauren NOW. I yell at myself, not like anyone can hear me if I'm dead right? Omg what am I saying? I get up and I realise I'm shaking. Like ALOT. Omg omg omfg, what is this? this is crazy this is so fucking crazy.

I wish I could tell myself it's just a dream and its not real, but I know, deep down, that this is not a nightmare; this, whatever this actually is, is real. Dazed I stagger over to the now sobbing Megan. No. No no no. Megan. Not Megan she doesn't deserve this.

Huge pitiful sobs rake through Megan's body making it move in a horrible heart wrenching way. I look away. I can't watch anymore.

I notice out of the corner of my eye a fat bald man, maybe about 30, getting out of his car. His black polo.

Rage seethes through my every fibre. I'm going to murder that stupid ass hole! I half run toward the ugly man and my eyes widen when I realise he's heading toward Megan. He has a joint in-between his fat fingers, the smell of weed hits me with a pang. Oh no you fucking don't.

Full of adrenalin and fear I race toward him and dive at him with all the force I can muster. I hit and bounce right off him hitting the floor. I feel no pain whatsoever but I will get to that later, now is the time to deal with this drugged up waste of space. Now utterly furious I swing my fists at him. To no avail.

Every time I miss I get angrier. This guy deserves a smack in the face. I just wish I could do it!

I stand next to this oaf of a man anger building up inside me. I just get angrier and angrier until I'm shaking, I just can't bloody take anymore of this 'not being able to do anything'. well I'm gonna keep trying to hurt this son of a bitch till I pass out. I begin to throw a series of rage induced punches at the black polo man, my punches getting harder the madder I got. Then something just snapped.

My fist connected directly with the bottom of his ugly nose. Bingo. I can feel the cartilage breaking as my fist pushes further upwards. I bring my hand away shaking it off a little, expecting pain that never came.

The fat turd of a man clutches his nose letting out a cry of pain. Blood spurt from his nose and splatters about the pavement. I'm beginning to feel dizzy. It's the first thing I've physically felt since I died. Ug can't even say it without feeling woozy. Since I DIED I'm dead. The dizziness increases and I fall backward, still feeling nothing but nausea.

Everything around me is fading to white. What the hell? No Not yet, I'm not done, I'm not ready. Whiter and blurrier it gets.

I can hear the sound of sirens, but they are distant echoey, almost gone. Then I see nothing.

Just white.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter I'll update soon, thanks for reading :)

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