Chapter eight: Noob

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Hey guys thanks so much for the reads and I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm on a coach in Germany at the moment and I'm bored senseless... Enjoy!


"I'm so sorry, ill be there any second." Scott told me via our mind link. I don't know why he is apologising he's like 2 minutes late if that?

I'm waiting at an old run down bus stop somewhere in town. Scott had gotten hold of me in the morning while Riley was asleep and I didn't want to wake him, so I just left. And yes, I do feel bad but I will talk to him later.

"Lauren" Scott says with a friendly smile.

"Would you like to sit?' He asks motioning toward a picnic bench on the muddy field behind the bus stop.

"I would love to, but I can't, anything and everything I touch I just go through."I reply following him toward it anyway. I would have thought he would be familiar with the concept being a ghost too, but he seems chilled as he saunters toward the bench.

"And why is that?" He asks.

"Because I'm a ghost" I reply sarcastically.

"That's a great attitude Lauren, good start." He says equally as sarcastic.

I know I don't know this guy but it feels like I do. He reminds me of Matt.

I pout, because two can play the sarcasm game and, This new guy is quite good at it.

Scott takes a seat at on the bench and my mouth drops open. I must look like such a gorm. He seems to notice to as he laughs a perfect laugh directed at me.

"So are you going to teach me how to do that then" I ask eager to learn something so I can get on.

"And if ghosts can sit, which by the way, is new to me then why else can ghosts do that I don't know about?" I continue feeling suddenly very quizzical.

"And what about clothes? I mean your waring perfect new looking clothes, and there's no sign of death, unless you had a heart attack, which isn't possible because your like 17..."

"18 actually" he corrects.

"What about breathing!? Do I need to breath or am I just doing it out of habit? And yesterday I fell asleep? Ghosts sleep? Why? and .." I stop noticing that Scott is trying very hard to contain laughter. However, there's not much he can do about the Cheshire Cat grin plastered on his stupid face.

"Whatever" I finish, not giving him the satisfaction.

His deep chocolatey eyes look directly into mine and they seem to move, like liquid eyes. They are so warm. Yes. Don't frikin mock me alright he has warm eyes!

"Aw well thank you."

"For what?"

"You think my eyes are warm"

"What the fuck ....."

"Don't worry ..."

"How did you!?" i cut him off not giving a flying fuck about what he was saying before.

"...I'll explain everything, but first you look like you need a little 'calm down' time" he laughed lightly.

"Calm down time? I'm not 4 years old" I said blatantly offended, and deciding to let the mind reading thing go because this was new turf.

"Okay so I'm not great with the way I word things, so-fucking-what? All I ment is that, you seem a little stressed and I have the perfect place to calm down." He smiles genuinely at me. I suppose he's right I could use a little chill time, and how could you not trust that smile. Plus he's hot. And I mean HOTT. And yes I did mean to put 2 t's.

He smirks as he looks at the ground, so I'm guessing he just 'heard' or something what I just thought. My cheeks burn red. Great now ghosts can blush? How many more surprises do I fucking need? He continues to talk so I guess he's not going to press that awkward thought.

"Okay so just flit after me, it's easier than it sounds. you know. If you think you can handle it?" Game on bitch.

He winks then he is gone, and I follow him, making sure to stay right up his ass to prove my point.

We finally stop our seemingly endless georney at a small dock with a couple of small boats moored on the little wooden walk things. The sun was setting and this whole place looks like something out of a movie.

I smile and take a deep breath or sea air. Yes breath. I don't actually live near the sea, so I don't see it often. It took about maybe 35 minutes tops to get here and I live about a 2 and a half hours drive from the nearest coast. Lived. I lived about 2 hours drive from the coast.

Scott is smiling again, his cheeky boyish smile again, looking at the ground. He does that a lot. Different to Riley. Riley prefers to look at me. My face and particularly my eyes... Oh shit balls. Riley I totally forgot about..u

"Earth to Lauren?" I hears Scott's voice before I can finish my thought.

"Uh?" Is all I get out. Nice Lauren. Real fucking classy.

He chuckles again then says "this way then" he motioned to the end of the dock.

I walk to the end of the wooden peer and sit feet in the water. The water doesn't seem to have a temperature. It just feels different.

"Your mind isn't alway the picture of happiness is it?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask as he stops next to me not sitting down.

"It doesn't 'mean' anything, just you don't seem to think happy things, aside from how 'hott' I am." I can practically hear the smirk in his voice, and it's my turn to look at the floor.

"We'll I'm sorry my thoughts aren't happy enough for you." I retort.

He chuckles. He does that a lot too. "I don't usually chuck this much, you just amuse me."

"We'll you wouldn't even know about my thoughts if you weren't poking around in my head anyway." I continue ignoring his slightly flattering comment.

"Okay happiness" he replies.

I can feel him nosing in my head so I imagine a picture of a middle finger. He laughs so I'm guessing he saw it. Good.

"So are you ready to see my special place?" He asks.

"I Hope your talking about an actual place and not any part of your anatomy." I joke.

"Haha no I ment my place when I can relax and just have a good time. Time to myself"

I raise my eyebrow questioningly and he looks at the ground again a huge grin spread on his pale skin and mutters "dirty bitch" just loud enough so I can hear it, looking up briefly to see if he got a reaction. I pout quite blatantly.

"I thought this was it?" I say standing up.

"Nope" he replies an evil grin painted on his face.

"Wha..." I don't even get to finish the word because he has pushed me over the side and into the sea.

I begin to sink because the only thing I can touch is the floor. What the fuck? What an arse! Why would he..? I panic and water begins to fill my lungs as I try to breathe. Things are beginning to fade around me. Oh shit this is bad, this is very bad. I see a very blurry but buff figure rise in fronting me, which I assume is scott, then I just black out.


Sorry it took so long guys, I wrote most on the coach in Germany but finished when I got back, thanks for waiting votes and comments appreciated.

lots of virtual hugs to everyone!

( and that's saying something cos I'm not a 'huggy' person! )

Ps. Sorry it's a lot to take in at once. all will be explained soon I promise!

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