Chapter three: Angel girl

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Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?

.... ;)



I am at a huge set of gates. Its too much. I turn and run back, I have never been very good with the unknown,so why start now? I close my eyes to stop myself from crying again and I collide with something. This scares the hell out of me. More of the unknown. Whatever it is it hits me and I feel no pain, it just bounces off me. One of the advantages of being big I suppose.

I can hear a girls small and frightened scream. A girl?

I open my eyes and look down to the person that's now on the floor because of me. Guilt washes over me and I instantly offered her my hand. She takes it. Thank god she's not angry.

She looks likes she's about to cry. Oh no please don't. If she... Then I will... Oh ... Yep she's crying. I can't help it, I reach out to her and pull her into a bear hug, wrapping her in my arms. Her head rests against my chest and she sobs uncontrollably.

Before I know it I'm crying too, this is so weird. But it feels so right. She probably thinks I'm a nutter hugging her when I don't even know her name. But I can't help it. She's so comforting and real, unlike everything else that's happened since ... Well since It happened.

I pull away slowly. I don't want to freak this girl out. She's probably just as scared as I am. She doesn't move. What do I do now, what is a person supposed to do in this kind of situation? She is now opening her eyes and she stands up straight and just looks at me.

She is stunning. I would have thought she was an angel if it weren't for the sadness in her wet eyes. Her eyes are a beautiful rich emerald colour, she stands, and looks like a model. Her face is chiseled to perfection, her ember coloured hair is a little messy but in a very cute way.

What am I saying? I would have gone through it more in my head, if she wasn't staring at me giving me the 'all over' but I can't say anything that's what I just did too. Now it's her turn to realise, as her eyes travel back up to my face I become more embarrassed because elf what a state I must look. This is just great meet a perfect girl and look like you just crawled out of a ditch. I notice that she has seen the blood stain on my shirt. She looks confused and even a bit worried. Why me?

She is still looking at me. I'm nervous and i kinda want to just hug her again. my entire body is rigid I try to loosen up but I don't think it's made that much difference.

I can feel the aqwardness creeping in so I simply say "hi I'm Riley" with a stupid little wave that I instantly regretted.

"Lauren" she says with a half hearted smile. Jeez. Even her voice is perfect. "An thanks ... For er ..." She starts. I nod knowing exactly what she was talking about. She looked grateful for my nod and I was pleased. She thinks for a little while then says " so where am I then?" She asks quietly. But it's so quiet here I could hear half a pin drop a mile away.

"I wish I knew." I said honestly.

"Oh." She says. She looks disappointed and then thoughtful as if she is solving a problem in her head or something.

"do you know what that is?" She asks motioning behind me to the gates, which are now a Distant blur.

" erm ... Gates" I mumble, looking at the ground. She seems to think bout this for a while. Then says quite simply

"Okay well I've got nothing better to do so I'm going to go and check it out. Your welcome to come with if you want."

She smiles at me and I swear my heart stopped beating, in that moment.


Sorry it's kinda short and not much else has happened just thought u guys might want to get to know the mystery boy a little better! Sweet isn't he !

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