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This week went by so fast, it was already Thursday today.

Me and Kurt woke up at the same time and the first thing I did was make coffee for us.

I was so dead I hardly got any sleep because I was up throwing up and I think that kept Kurt up too.

I feel bad for being the reason he didn't get any sleep and when we get to class we have a bunch of work to catch up on. This sucks.

After I drank my coffee and had my shower I was a lot more awake then before.

Kurt went to school early hoping to finish most of the stuff he missed before school actually started.

I wanted to do the same but I'm too lazy.

I almost fell asleep again while watch TV waiting for the first bell to ring but I was awoke by a knock at my door.

I got up and opened it to see Brittany standing there.

“Nice dorm you have here.” She said walking past me straight inside.

“I guess, and may I ask why are you here?” I said trying not to sound rude.

“Glee Club is back! And the songs we're making in Music Class are going to presented in front of the whole Glee Club.” She said smiling like crazy.

“Did they say why it was closed in the first place?” I said totally ignoring what she said about presenting our songs.

“A break I guess. I'm not sure.” She said.

“Oh, well I have to go to class but first I have to do something. So, I'll see you in class.” I said hinting at her that I wanted her to leave.

“Alright, first practise will be told on the announcements.” She said and left.

Just then I starting thinking about my song. What are people going to think? How are they going to react? Will anyone catch on to the vampire reference? What will Kurt think? I got all nervous and started regret writing this song.

Just then the first bell snapped me out of my thoughts.

When I got to class the day seemed to drag on forever. And the lunch was worst because I was stuck in a classroom catching up on my missed work. And it just felt like this day would never end.

But during the last few minutes of our last class Finn came over to talk to me.

“Dude, want to come over an watch some movies. It's a late night thing and we're providing food.” He said excited.

“Sure, who'll be there?” I said actually getting excited.

“Me, Rachael, Santana, and Puck.” He said.

“Sure, why not?” I said then the bell rang.

“Puck's dorm at 9.” He said then left.

I went back to my dorm and was planning on sleeping until 8 but when your body random likes to change into a vampire you can't do that.

I was just lying down and my teeth just became tense and then normal again.

I left the building and hid be hide a truck to transform.

I walk towards a parking lot off of campus.

And in one of the cars was a couple making out.

They didn't see or hear me.

I ripped the car door off their car which stopped them from making out.

I hovered my fangs over the man in the car and the stupid girl hit me on the head with her purse which forced my fangs into his skin. She was just frozen as I pulling my fangs out of him and dragged him out of the car. Then I jumped back in the car and pounced at her. I sat on top of her chest then sunk my fangs into her neck.

When I pulled my fangs out of her I saw a police officer running towards me.

I panicked and jumped in the back seat and hid there.

When they looked in the front seat of the car where the girl was lying down, dead.

I was so scared I was just lying in the back seat breathing like crazy.

Then opened the back seat door and I just sat up straight and hist at him.

He was frozen and I just walked slow towards him then I jumped on him. I sunk my fangs straight into his neck. As soon as I pulled my fangs out of his neck he fell to the ground. I licked my fangs which had gone back to teeth and made my way back to the campus.

I check my phone to see it was 8:50.

I made it to Puck's dorm just in time.

We watch a bunch of horror movies and ate a bunch of pizza and drank a bunch of pop.

I got home at 5 o'clock in the morning and I was super tired.

I fell asleep as soon as my body touched the bed.

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