The Preformance

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I woke up early and sighed remembering the arm around me didn't belong to Kurt. It was Santana's. I removed her arm from around me and went to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror I noticed how terrible I looked. My hair gel was completely rubbed out leaving my hair in a curly mess. No shirt, just sweatpants. Not even socks.

I walked out of the bathroom to see my sweater on the ground from the craziness early this morning.

Bending down to pick it up I hear movement on the bed.

I jump hearing Santana scream but duck back down to nearly miss the wine bottle she hurrled at my head.

"Santana, what the hell!" I yell standing back up.

"Oh yeah, it's you." She says in between deep breaths.

"Yeah it's me." I say.

I look around for a broom when gets up and stops me.

"Don't worry about it. I'll clean that up. You go make up with Lady Hummel." She says and I shot her a 'what you're mean now' glare.

She picks up on it and half laughs.

"What? I have to start being mean sometime today."

She picks up my stuff and gives it to me.

"Here." She says and puts them in my arms.

"Well, thanks again." I say and leave.

I walk to the me and Kurt's dorm and I knock on the door.

In a matter of minutes Kurt is standing in front of me crossed armed.

I push by and set my stuff on the table.

Kurt locks the door and leans on the wall still cross armed as I sit on the bed and look into his worried eyes.

I take a deep breath in and begin explaining myself.

"Look Kurt I love you. All I ever do is try to protect you but I guess I should be protecting you from myself. I know what you saw and I don't know if you understand. But you will. In Glee club I have a surprise for you that will clear up all your questions. Just remember I love you Kurt." I say and watch the spark in his eyes as he fights tears.

I get up to go in for a hug but he rejects it and grabs his stuff and goes into the bathroom in silence.

After that moment the day seemed to pass slower then normal.

But finally it was the last period of the day and we had Glee club.

I got there early and hugged my song notebook and paced back and forth nervously. When I looked up Santana was standing in front of me smiling.

"You'll do fine." She reassured me.

I sat next to her as everyone filed in the room after the bell sounded.

Mr. Schue walked in last and wrote on the board, 'Young Writers'. Refering to us I assume.

"Alright, so this past weekend you guys have been working on your own song creations. And I'd love to hear them so anyone want to volunteer and go first." Mr. Schue says and without a second thought I jump to my feet.

I make my way to the front of the class and Mr. Schue pats me on the shoulder.

"Everyone give Blaine your undivided attention." He says and takes a seat.

I scan the class and make eye contact with Kurt. He quickly breaks it by dropping his head but then I feel his eyes on me again.

"So, this is a song I made for the beautiful Kurt Hummel whom I love. But I didn't write it alone. I had a little help from alochol and Santana Lopez. So, Santana I would love if you sang this song with me after all it's your song too." I said and smiled at her.

I saw Kurt's cheek become a bright red and heard Puck's snark and he leaned further in his chair and extended his legs.

I gave the sheet music to Brad and gave me and Santana a copy of the sheet music.

"When the days are cold

And the cards all fold

And the saints we see

Are all made of gold" Santana began to sing.

"When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail

Are the worst of all

And the blood’s run stale" I joined in.

The song seemed to drag on forever but the smile that formed on Kurt's lips kept me going.

But the end of the song we were both smiling like crazy and I had butterflies in my stomach.

After the song everyone clapped and Mr. Schue stood between us and gave us a side hug while telling me how good we sounded.

Then Kurt after a few hesitation came towards me.

"I-I love you and that song was beautiful." He said and grabbed my face and kissed it.

As we kissed the bell rang and everyone packed up. When we pulled away we were the only two in the room. We made our way back to our dorm holding hands and I had the best feeling of nervousness in the world.

We walked in our dorm room and he began kissing me again. He pushed me down on the bed and began kissing down my neck as he unbuttoned my blazer. Then Santana walked in the room interrupting up.

"Nice to see you too are back together. And Blaine you forgot this in my dorm." She says throwing a condom on our bed.

She smiles as she puts up the 'Do not disturb' sign for us.

Kurt lies down as I move the condom onto our dresser.

I lean in for another kiss after locking the door but he rejects me.

"Why was that and you in Santana's room?" Kurt questions.

"Well, we got drunk and I was going to try something but then I remembered your cute bum." I grinned at him.

"Oh gross, you were going to fuck a woman?" He laughed.

"Look, we have a lot to talk about let's discuss it tomorrow because right now I want you inside me." I winked at him and we began making out again.

The rest of the night was one of the best nights of my life.

The next day, I explained everything to him but he didn't understand it all. But I assured him it's going to be okay as long as he let's me leave when I need to.

I believe this whole thing made our relationship stronger. So, I'm happy I was honest with him. I love him and he loves me and my inner demons.

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