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The next day in English class we had a class discussion about fate.

“So today guys we're going to talk about fate. Let brain storm some things that come to mind when we hear that word.” Our teacher said writing fate the middle of the board.

“Our future.” A student in the back said.

“Love.” Another said.

“Life.” Said another.

“Luck.” Said another.

“They say it's what you make. I say it's up to fate.” I said nervously.

“Interesting idea Blaine.” My teacher said and wrote it on the side.

After a while I zoned out and went into a dream world.

I had these weird pictures floating around my head like one was a vampire woven to my soul. And there was one of me letting go of Kurt because my vampire came out too often. All these pictures spinning in my head were giving me a headache. So I put my head down on the table and they just kept spinning in my head. Then randomly the pictures started talking. They kept on repeating “They say it's what you make. I say it's up to fate. It's woven in my soul. I need to let you go.” Just then I popped my head up and wrote that down in my song notebook. Even after I wrote it down my head was still spinning so I asked my teacher if I could go to the nurse and she was like sure. While going to the nurses office I bumped into Kurt.

“Oh I'm so sorry Kurt.” I said kneeling down to pick up his books.

“It's okay, you didn't mean too. Like some others.” He said annoyed.

“Well, I should get going. And you should get back to class.” I said helping him stand up.

“Wait, where are you going?” He said raising a brow.

“The nurse's office, my head is killing me.” I said.

“Well, I'll come with you.” He said looping his arm through mine.

“Oh why not?” I said kissing him on the forehead.

When we got to the nurse I was aloud to miss the rest of class and so was Kurt.

I skipped lunch because I don't think I can hold down any food. But Kurt went out and bought a lunch and ate it them came back.

Since we live on campus the nurse sent me home and Kurt too.

My stomach and head hurt so much.

Kurt gave me liquid Gravel which partially worked.

I was sick for the rest of the night and Kurt just looked after me.

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