I woke up but I was too lazy to get up so I just laid there waiting for Santana to wake up.
I lightly shook her and she slowly woke up.
"What time is it?" Santana said through a yawn.
"8 o'clock." I stretched.
She rolled over a few time and then she stretched and fell off the bed.
I burst out laughing as I jumped to my feet and helped her up.
"You okay?" I said trying to contain my laughter.
"I'm fine." She said and shuffled to the bathroom.
"Can I use your phone?" I asked.
"Sure." She said then turned on the tap.
I picked up her phone and dialed Kurt's number.
"Hello." He said.
My heart broke because you can hear it in his voice he was just crying.
"Kurt..." I sighed.
But then he hung up on me.
I tired to call back but it just lean me to voice mail.
After trying five times to get him to pick up I decided to leave a voice mail.
"We're going to have to talk one way or another Kurt. Just remember I'm the same Blaine and I still love you." I said and hung up.
My heart broke but I had to fake a smile because I can't risk anyone else finding out my secret.
"I'm cold, tired, and hungry." Santana said as she sat on the bed beside me.
Without second guessing I pulled my sweater off and put it on Santana. I ignored the fact that now I was cold because I didn't have a shirt under my sweater. But I still unfolded the covers and tucked her in. Then I went in her fridge and found a box of pizza pots. I took a couple out and put them in the microwave.
"Why are you doing this and being so nice to me?" She said sitting up in bed.
"You helped me so much with my song. It's the least I could do." I smiled 'causing her to smile.
I put the pizza pockets on a paper plate and gave them to her.
"Aren't you hungry?" She said noticing I only made enough for her.
"Yeah, but it's okay." I smiled.
I didn't want to eat her food. I'll be okay.
"No, Blaine. Go in the fridge and make yourself something to eat." She said.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I'm positive." She smiled.
After I cooked myself up two pizza pockets we lied down in bed watching Netflix films.
After a while Santana got up and locked the door and put up a sign then she went to the went to the frigde.
"What are you doing?" I said raising a brow at her.
"It's 11 o'clock on a Sunday night. Let's enjoy it before school tomorrow." She said and pulled out a bottle of wine.
She poured us each a glass and then put it on her side table.
After about three I starting getting tipsy and losing track of how many glasses I was downing.
Santana was getting all giggly and flirty.
She got out of bed and pulled off the sweater. As she pulled off the sweater her t-shirt underneath rose up exposing her underwear and stomach.
She caught me staring at her and she bit her lip trying to be more sexy.
I wanted her!
She threw the sweater to the ground and she started dancing seductively.
She came to me and starting playing with my hair. She starting blowing in my ear which 'caused me to shiver then she started nibbling on my ear. Then her hands made their way down my abs. She started licking my chest which 'caused me to moan. Then she began tugging on sweatpants.
I finally gave in and wrapped my arms around her waist and we began kissing.
Her kisses were sloppy and full of giggles. She just kept kept laughing and kissing me. She interlocked our fingers as she started kissing down my neck. A few times I moaned but deep down at the pit of my stomach I knew doing this was wrong. I was cheating on Kurt and I knew it. Drunk or not, straight or gay. I was still cheating. I pushed her off and sat up.
She pouted at me and sat beside me.
"What's wrong?" She said and starting kissing my neck again.
"I can't do this. I'm gay and you love Brittany." I said and burying my face in my hands.
She pouted and sat on her knees.
I went to the bathroom and started in the mirror.
Did I still cheat on Kurt if I pushed her off before it got out of control?
It doesn't matter all that matters is the song. It should explain everything.
I'm preforming for my class tomorrow and for Glee club on Wednesday.
I washed my face and as I was drying it Santana spoke.
"Blaine, are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine, let's just go to sleep." I sighed.
I crawled into the bed with Santana and faced my back to her.
She whispered to me, "I'm sorry" just as I was drifting off.
The last thing I remember is her pulling my arm over her shoulder and us cuddling up together.

Inner Demons (Klaine Fan Fic)
RomanceBlaine is writing a song for Kurt in music class about the truth of his self. Blaine gets random tensions in his teeth when he's about to turn into a vampire. Blaine is trying his best to hide this secret from Kurt. But when Kurt gets annoyed with...