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A couple hours later Kurt woke me up.

“I can't sleep let's go on a early morning stroll.” He said sitting up.

“Why not?” I said getting up and going to take and quick shower.

After Kurt did the same and we left hand in hand.

We were walking normally and then Kurt bumped into someone.

He looked up and saw the guy from Froyo.

“Watch it!” The guy from Froyo yelled in Kurt's face.

“I'm sorry.” Kurt said trying not to start a fight.

“Maybe, next time you'll watch where you're going bitch!” He said pushing him back down on the ground.

“Stop, what the fuck is your problem?!” I yelled jumping in front of Kurt to protect him.

He picked Kurt up but the collar of his shirt and he threw him. Kurt wasn't luck enough to protect his head. Along with his head, his back smashed into the ground.

Then he laughed and picked me up. And somehow I got out of his grip and he dropped me.

“Why are you doing this? We didn't do anything!” I said coughing because my throat was sore from being held up by my collar.

“You stupid little faggots are what's wrong with this world!” He said punching me in my stomach.

I backed up in the pain but took a deep breath in and walked towards Kurt who was still on the ground in pain.

I heard him walking up be hide me but then I heard his girlfriend speaking.

“Just leave those faggots alone. We probably hospitalized the small one.” She said.

She was probably talking about Kurt but he didn't leave me alone.

He turned me around and gave me a huge blow to the stomach. I fell instantly from the pain.

They walked away while I was rolling on the ground from the pain in my stomach. And Kurt was motionless.

I finally got the power to sit up. I cracked my neck and got to my feet. I walked over the Kurt who was motionless. Then I noticed something under his head. There was a liquid on the back of his head. I rolled him over to see he was bleed. I pulled out my phone and called 911. I sat there with his head on my knee. I began crying because I was started to think it was too late.

A half hour later they picked him up and we went to the hospital in the ambulance.

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