Chapter 4

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-Third person POV.-

The next morning Janvi was awake hours before Tessa. She was ready completely for the full day of intense training. She was also packed for Dewey beloved that it's not a smart idea to keep Janvi and Tessa in the city. When Janvi was ready, dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top with her long black hair pulled back in a slick pony tail. She ran into Tessa's room shaking her awake.

"Come on Tessa, I want to leave already!" she shouted even though it really still was quite early.

"Ok, ok, I'm up, gosh." Tessa says jokingly.

"I'll make some cereal." Janvi says before leaving the room and heading towards the kitchen to conjure up two bowls of cereal. As she made them though she remembered the activities of the day and decided to put fruit onto a plate for them to consume.


Over at the boy bands flat the place was in chaos.

"LIAM! WHERE ARE MA PANTS?" Harry shouts down the stairs.

"There in the laundry room Harry!" Liam shouts back as he makes breakfast for all the boys.

"Ok, Thanks bro!" He replies. Over in Louis room he throws most of his clothe into a black bag before zipping it all up and trudging the bag downstairs by the door, next to Liams bag, before heading towards the kitchen to have a bite.

"Finally, I haven't packed a bag in a while." He says eating the plate of eggs before him.

"I know the feeling." Zayn says walking into the kitchen, Harry at his side.

"Hey guys, were is Niall?" Liam asks. All the boys shrug.

"I'll go check." Liam sighs putting his empty plate of eggs in the sink and making his way up the stairs, making his way towards the irishmans room. After only a minute a high pitched scream comes from upstairs.

"WHAT THE HELL LIAM?!" Niall yells.

"Finish up you idiot I made food." Liam mutters before leaving Niall to quickly finish up packing his bag. After all the boys, including Niall, finish eating they each head out towards the black van parked in the driveway of the rented flat.

"So, where exactly are we headed for?" Harry asks while they were headed towards where they were meeting Dewey and the girls.

"I don't know, you could just ask Janvi or something when we gets to our 'secret location'" Louis says.


"A cabin. Where staying in a cabin." Niall says, jaw dropped.

"How are we going to fit in there anyway! We're 7 people!" Louis ask, gesturing towards the small looking cabin.

"Didn't your mothers even tell you to never judge a book by its cover." Janvi says, a smirk on her lip. She locks arms with Tessa, who has an identical smirk on her face as they both make there way towards the misleading cabin. As they entered the cabin, using a weird shaped key to open the door.

"Okay so this is where we will be staying for the next couple of months." Tessa says.

"We are not going to be able to live well in here." Niall mutters.

"I wasn't done!" Tessa snaps walking over to a butten that looked like an elevator button, yet there was no elevator to match it. Though as she pressed it the side of the wall oped and there was another wall, completely littered with guns, and shooting materiels, knifes, even swords. Than the other side of the cabin opened to reveal three sets of latters going above and under the roof and floor of the cabin. "Up there is where we will all be sleeping." Tessa says pointing to the top of the latters.

"And down there is where we will all be training." Janvi says pointing down the latters. The boys all stare in awe.

"And on this level there are three bathrooms and two empty rooms where all the bags will be." Tessa states.

"And this is also where we eat and the lounge room." I had said pointing in the direction of the kitchen and the table, than to the room with the couches and untraceable tv.

"You will all receive non traceable phone, but no one, and I mean no one can know the location of this cabin, no girlfriends , no friends, no family!" I said making sure to put authority into my voice.

"Yes ma'am!" They had all said, standing up straight, as I taught them the day before.

"Good, now there is a changing room for me and Tessa and one for you guys, go empty your bags and meet for dinner." Tessa adressed as we all go our separate ways.


Not much of an authors note, just want to say I put a photo of Janvi on the side of chapter 1 and tessa on the side of chapter 2, plus there is a picture of part of the cabin on the side-> and also other stuff so yay for being productive!!!

-Nora ☺️

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