Chapter 5

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-Third person POV.-

"BEEEEEEEEPPP!" The large horn blew waking up everybody in the cabin with a start.

"OhMyGod, What the hell!?" Zayn shouts as he fell out of bed.

"It's time to get out of bed, we have stuff to do today." Tessa mumbled as she and Janvi got out of bed as slipped down onto the middle floor. The boys all grumbled inaudible words as they two went down to the second floor.

After everybody was washed up and wide awake, they sat down and ate breakfast .

"So what are we doing today?" Louis asks as he put another spoonful of eggs in his mouth.

"Have you every jumped off of a plane before Louis?" Janvi ask, a light smile playing on her lips.

"No but It's on my bucket list." Louis says smiling back at her.

"Then you can check it off at the end of the day." Janvi said winking over at him.

"Flirting, are we?" Tessa teases. Louis and Janvi both blush.

"Aw, there blushing! Way to go Tes!" Niall exclaims highfiving Tessa.

"You two are ones to talk." Janvi grumbles looking down at her half empty plate. At that it was Tessa and Niall's turn to blush.

"Who blushing now, huh?" Louis says, as Harry Liam and Zayn all give out a laugh.

"Wait so were going to be jumping out of a plane?" Harry says excitedly, practically jumping in his chair.

"Yup." Tessa says stuffing her mouth with more eggs.

"So lady like." Janvi says with a giggle as Tessa gives a cheeky looking smile.

"That's me!" She exclaims. This making everybody laugh.


And an hour later they all found themselves boarding a helicopter.

"Okay, so here are your jump suits." Janvi says throwing each boy a suit of their size.

"And here are the parachutes. Pull them out when you see the green light flash on your jump suits." Tessa says pointing over to the light looking object that's on the sleeve of the right hand jumpers.

"Now get dresses because in exactly," Janvi looks down at the watch in her hands. "6 minutes you all will dive into free fall."

And just like that each of the boys set out into putting on the jump suits over there basketball shorts and sweats.


I looked over to Louis, he was dresses in his jumpsuit. Parachute bag on his bag. And even though I know he wouldn't ever admit it, he was nervous.

"Scared are we Lou?"

"No." He said crossing his arms. Now any other person would have believed him, but not a well trained spy. Oh no, I could see right through him.

"Than jump, we're ready for you too." I had said.

He glared at me, and turned to the open part in the helicopter.

"Fine, I will." He said looking down at the floor, which didn't , in any way look like a floor, but more like little specks of buildings. Just as he was about to jump I stopped him.

"No! No don't jump now it you do you'll land in the middle of a lake." And it was true right under us was a large lake that will keep us in for another 2 minutes. "I was joking!"

"You mean to tell me if I had jumped I would be falling down into a lake!?" He ask looking at me with the crazed look in his eyes. I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Ya." I say. We stare at each other for a couple flimsy seconds before we both burst out laughing.

"Okay, you two love birds, legs huddle and see who's jumping first." Tessa said. We all joined together in the middle of the helicopter. "Now it will be best to jump down in partners, but since we are uneven we will jump 2,2 and 3." Tessa says. "The groups will be Janvi and Louis," she winks at us each and we both grow beet red as I glare at her, though secretly thankful, "upon the choice of Niall, him and I together," she sends him a smile and I can tell she likes him, "and Zayn, Liam, and Harry, together." She finishes.

"Now, you must go down holding your partners hand, but when the light glows green, kick off from each other and let your parachute go, make sure your far enough that when the parachute opens it won't interfere into opening your partners parachute." I continue. "Got it?"

"Yes ma'ams" the boys say saluting both Tessa and I as we laugh.

"So, who is jumping first!?" I say jumping in my spot.

"Us!!!" Harry, Zayn, and Liam exclaim.

"Okay than. Come." I motion them to the door. "Now when you jump form a circle, so you can kick away later." I instruct. They nod. "Goodbye." I say.

"Bye!!" They each say before jumping out and after a couple seconds their parachutes opened up and you can see them gliding downward.

"We're next!" Niall exclaims.

"Okay." I say.

"See you on the other side." Tessa winks to me before grabbing nails hands and jumping side ways out of the helicopter.

"That leaves two." I say over to him.

"You know what I don't think I want-" I cut him off.

"But it's on your bucket list!" I continue, "and your not gonna make me jump alone are you?" I say looking up at him. He looks down , his green blue eyes that I loved when I first say him staring into mine.

"Of course not ." He says grabbing onto my hands. I smile up at him.

"Than shall we jump?"

"Jump we shall."

And jump we did.


I need a ship name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For both Louis and Janvi and Niall and Tessa!!

Help! I'll give you a dedication if I choose yours, you can comment it, kik me it (Laughing4Ever) tweet me it (@norahasan217) or inbox it to me here.

Random picture on the side, haha!

Nora xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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