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"Right well I will be in the kitchen master Bruce." Alfred said before leaving. The room was pretty much silent apart from the faint crackle from the fireplace. Selina was starting to feel abit anxious. What she miss. "What's with him?" She asked staring at the back of Bruce's head. Turning his head to the side he didn't speak, just kept up the blank expression. Gripping onto some book like his life depended on it. She was gone for ten minutes and something's already happened. Still not getting a reply she spoke again. "Bruce what's going on." The confusion was evident in her voice and if she didn't get any answers soon she was gonna get very irritated real fast. Snapping the book shut he fully faced her, keeping his eyes on the floor when he finally spoke. "I'm not going back." Taken back by his tone she blinked "what." He still wasn't looking at her.

"I'm grateful for everything you've taught me... But my place is here." So that was it he was just leaving her like that. After everything. "So that's it." He said nothing. "Wow." She made her leave towards the window but his gentle grasp on her arm made her pause. "I don't expect you to understand."

"Right cause your Bruce Wayne and I'm street trash."

He lightly shook his head. "Selina it's not like that."

"Yeah it is. It is." She sighed. "It's fine. Have a great life Bruce Wayne." Walking away, she leaped off the balcony and left through the Wayne gates.


She hadn't seen or spoke to him in two days and she was torn between being angry and upset. Walking down random streets of Gotham, she clutched her jacket tighter around her to avoid some of the cold, harsh chill in the air. Random people shoved past her, oblivious to the fact she was robbing them blind. Jumping off the fire exit, her eyes aimlessly spotted a familiar bush of red hair and green clothing walk past her, she followed in step beside them. "Ivy." She greeted, keeping her eyes forward.

"Cat. Where's billionaire boy?" Ivy asked in her usual monotone.

"Up in his castle playing king. The streets were a bit to rough for him to handle."

"Shame, I know how much you liked him."

"What's that supposed to mean." She said defensively.

"Nothing. Just noticed how close you were." Some how they entered a cheap cafe and sat at a empty booth in the far back. The entire cafe was empty apart from a man with his back turned to them and a waitress wiping tables, neither took notice to them. "It's not like that." Fiddling with the menu, Selina glanced out the window.

"Please enlighten me." Ivy challenged.

"I shouldn't have to."

Ignoring her Ivy continued. "Cause from my angle you two looked pretty cosy." Ripping her eyes away from the window she glared at her.

"It wasn't like that." She hissed.

"You let him stay with you. Admit it you care."

"No I don't and neither does he. I don't fit his level of company, so drop it." The conversation ended and the entire cafe was silent. The only sound was of Ivy flicking through the paper. "What the hell do you carry in there?" Selina questioned, eyeing the poorly knit bag.

"Special ingredients."

She rose a brow. "For."

"Why should I tell you. I recall the words 'I shouldn't have to' were said." Glancing up Ivy caught Selina mid eye roll, shaking head head she continued reading the grey printing.

Selina's wondering eyes glided across the big bold letters on the front newspaper. immediately catching her attention.

Bradley Thorpe prison escapee
Recently a known criminal known as Bradley Thorpe has been found missing from his cell yesterday morning. Security found no trace on how he escaped but found a shard of glass wedged between his mattress. No one has yet seen him, but suspect he is on his way to Gotham.

"Cat. Cat. Cat!" Ivy hissed, regaining Selina's attention. "Are you alright, you spaced out, and turning pale."

"Yeah." Selina muttered. "Just cold." Before Ivy could say anything else a pair of hands slammed against their table, causing Selina to flinch. The waitress was towering over them, glaring with her icy blue eyes. Lips pursed she eyed them in annoyance." Are you gonna order if not get out." The two slide out of the booth and left the cafe, back onto the cold streets. "Listen Ivy I gotta go and so something important. See ya around." Walking away a confused red head stared after her before walking off the opposite direction.

Bradley Thorpe. The name that's been haunting her for years. If he's out of jail then he is certainly coming after her. She disappeared often turn to smoke as she always said but if Bradley found her in Gotham she wouldn't be smoke anymore she'll be nothing but mere dust, dust that blew away in the wind completely forgotten. She wasn't safe, anyone she knew wasn't safe. Nobody was safe. Would she have to leave Gotham for good.


It was late at night in the city of Gotham and crime was at an all time high. Drugs, murderer's, prostitutes, rapists the whole lot. Now if Selina was a normal teenage girl she would probably be scared shitless by now. But she wasn't and she had her own ways. Keep to the shadows, stay out of sight or stay at home. Not like there was much to do there anyway so she often went out. But tonight was different she was tired and distracted which was completely unlike her. She was so lost in thought she didn't even hear the distant footsteps behind her until she reached an ally. The same one Bruce's parents got killed she noted. But as they got louder the alarm bells in her head screamed danger. The footsteps were a little closer now which caused her to break into a jog, their footsteps were getting faster too and now her jog turned into a sprint. They were chasing her and she didn't dare look back to see who. Was it Bradley? Did he find her? She didn't want to hang around to find out. Out of nowhere two men appeared out of the shadows blocking the exit from the ally, making her stop as they slowly stalked towards her. Feeling a tight grip on her upper arm she spun around to see the guy who was chasing her. Good news was it wasn't Bradley. Bad news, this guy didn't look all to friendly either. He had blonde hair that was completely slicked back with jel, strong grey eyes and a gold tooth on the top left of his mouth. "Gotcha." He hissed as he tugged her harshly towards him. Selina made a swing at him but he was quick enough to block and get a grip on her other arm. "Should we put her in the truck boss?" One of the men behind her said, jogging towards them. Before they could grab her she quickly kicked the guy who held her in the groin, making him loosen his grip. Pulling her arm away she ran past him. "Get her you idiots." The man stood up to his full height and chased after her with his goons by his side. Wasn't long before she hear gun shots behind her, jumping onto a ladder she reached the fire escape and made her way up to the top of the building. She heard another shot fired but this time felt a sharp pain on her right leg which made her limp towards the side of the building. She couldn't be shot.

They weren't that far behind her now, she could hear their heavy footsteps coming up the fire escape. "I think I shot her sir." Said one of the men. Looking down at her leg she saw the bullet wound, blood was gushing out fast and she was starting to get dizzy. There was no way she would be able to make a jump to another building with her leg bleeding out. Crouching down her back hit the brick wall before they could spot her. "Where'd she go?"

"She's a girl that's been shot in the leg she couldn't of gotten far. Look around." Said the blond guy. Slowly peaking her head to the side she watched them scatter across the roof. One of goons were walking to where she was hidden. He was walking slow but he was alert and ready, gripping the gun tightly. The closer he got the more she panicked, she didn't exactly have many options. With a bleeding leg and the world spinning upside down the odds on her surviving were pretty slim. For the first time in a while she'd been cornered. He was right by her now, the first thing she saw was his gun by her head.

Before he could react she smacked it out of his hand, causing him to yell in surprise. Jumping on his back she wrapped her legs around his waist and jabbed a two fingers in his eyes. "Ahh get this bitch of me ahh." He swayed left and right, trying to shake her off but with no avail. She was soon ripped off his back and hit in the head with something hard, knocking her to the ground. Blinking rapidly the man walked towards her in an angry huff. "This bitch is gonna pay." He kicked her in the rips making her groan in pain. Before he could get another hit in the blonde guy interrupted. "Enough. I need her alive." Grabbing her by the arms he tossed her over his shoulder. The world slowly turned black. She passed out.

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