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This story has been soooo delayed I am so sorry. I've started a ton of other stories and I have been super busy in general. But it's back!! And I'm continuing it.

She didn't know if it was the familiar sound of creaking wood or the scent of pine, but once she woke up she knew she was safe. Unless she really was dead.

Nevertheless she lay numb in the middle of a large throne like bed, she could vaguely hear the wind blowing strongly outside and allowed herself to breath. She focused on her breathing. She found it hard to allow the oxygen to flow through her body, she found it difficult to do anything. It was like learning to do everything  again.

She tried moving with much difficulty but it was like she was paralyzed. 

A soft groan startled her and she slowly shifted her head to the side. Messy brown hair settled on the side of the bed. Low mumbles of displeasure left his lips as his face hardened. The open book that lay beside him was enough for her to know how long he'd stayed there. He read to her. "Mom... Dad..." Pity swallowed her up as she stared at the boy. "Selina..." His hand twitched and she watched him clutch onto the sheet. His head shook and his breathing deepened as she watched him struggle. He didn't deserve to be in such agony because of her. 

As much as she wanted to comb her fingers through his brown locks she could only envision her hands covered in blood. The memory of what she'd been through burned through her mind. She knew she wouldn't get back from this easily, it would take time. But knowing Bruce he would want to know everything and she couldn't bring herself to say the truth. She was a murderer. It was different from pushing someone out the window or knifing someone in one quick motion. She beat someone to death until they looked like mush. She couldn't stomach what she'd done.

Before she was able to react the door clicked open. Alfred walked in with a tray, his eyes immediately locked onto the boy, he sighed heavily. She watched him move across the room, his footsteps echoing throughout the room. As he neared closer to the bed she closed her eyes, relaxing every muscle. "Master Bruce." He whispered lowly, his gruff voice having no soothing effect. Silence followed and the bed jutted slightly before a soft groan was heard. 

"Alfred..." His rough voice hinted some irritation but the butler didn't seem to care.

"We've talked about this, you can't keep staying in here it's not good for you."

"She's been like this for almost a week I'm not leaving her." Raising his head Bruce narrowed his eyes in a challenging manner. "She needs to know I'm here."

"And she will." Alfred argued. "When she wakes up. But for now you should be resting in your own room, eh." A long silence stretched and she thought about coming clear and telling them that she was already awake. "I will drag you to your room if I have to, Bruce. Don't think I won't."

The chair scraped across the wooden floor as he mumbled something beneath his breath. His footsteps marched out of the room. The door gently shut behind him and Alfred sighed. "You can open your eyes miss, I know you're awake." She frowned before slowly peaking one eye open. Alfred stood at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed. He looked exhausted. Pity swirled around in his eyes and that was the last thing she wanted to see. 

"How did you know I was awake?" She mumbled.

He chuckled. "You can't fool me Miss Kyle, no matter how cunning you think you are." She couldn't help but snort. "How are you feeling?" If she wasn't in so much pain she would have rolled her eyes.

"Fantastic." sarcasm dripped from her words. She was broken, bruised and beat, and so tired. She felt drained like one movement could knock her out in a second. 

"The sort of injuries you have come close to the ones I saw when I was in the army. You look like you've been through hell." Alfred stated, stirring up a cup of tea. 

"It's no big deal."

"I doubt that." He brought the tea closer to her lips and she frowned.

"I hate tea."

"Well it's the main thing keeping you going. Don't make me force it down ya." Looking into his eyes she could tell he wasn't bluffing, which led her to slowly part her lips. The taste made her cringe as she forced it down. She almost gagged but she couldn't deny the warmth in her chest felt great. "So wanna explain what happened." Now that was the topic she was dreading. She didn't want to explain, she needed to forget. The image of his crushed face still haunted her brain. How would they react to her killing somebody so brutally. 

So she said the first thing that came to mind. "I fell." Pausing, Alfred set the tea down and gave her a questionable look.

"You fell..." he repeated slowly. "Care to elaborate."

"I was doing a job and was jumping the roofs, lost my footing, slipped on some ice and fell." 

"A fall like that could only cause a few broken bones that could be easily amendable, but this Miss Kyle... you're lucky to be alive." It was lame and she knew it, but that was better than the truth. If she told him the truth he would think she was weak. And that was not how she wanted to be viewed. 

A frown creased her forehead. "Well that's what happened." She knew he didn't believe her by the way he cocked his brow, but she was sticking to the story.

"Well then you should get some rest. You're gonna need it in the morning." Dismissing the conversation he got up to leave, his hand on the bronze knob.

"What do you mean by that?"

Turning back around he grinned. "I must update Bruce on your condition. It seems he has been rather restless since your arrival. I'm sure he has many questions." Bidding her a good night he carefully shut the door. Leaving her to stare blankly at the door.

She knew how persistent Bruce can be in certain situations. The second he gets the news of her being awake he will barge in and bombard her with questions, he would try everything in his power to fix it and she didn't want that. A low profile was what she needed and she couldn't do that with Bruce going on a hunting spree for child snatchers pointing them in her direction. She was going to keep everything to herself. She was gonna look him in the eyes and lie. She's done it before, so why did it feel different this time. 

Was she going soft for the billionaire?

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