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Storming into the study Bruce tossed his jacket onto the couch. Selina was missing and it was his fault. "How could I have let this happen." He said as Alfred entered. He was too focused by his own work to notice anything in Gotham. Alfred neatly placed his coat on the rack, standing in front of the fireplace facing his young master. "I highly doubt Miss Kyle's absence has anything to do with you."

"It was, I should of told her about our investigation and the secret room. Maybe then she wouldn't of left." Bruce grimaced. "What if she's hurt."

"We don't know that do we. That girl could of been lying." Turning on the TV Bruce switched on the news.

unexplainable tragedy's have occurred multiple times this week in Gotham. Two people who have been known as dead have been caught in the streets of Gotham. Theodore Galavan who calls himself Azrael has stabbed the captain of the GCPD and the notorious Victor Fries. In other news the snow storm has been getting much worse, people have been advised to stay indoors and stay safe.

He wanted her back. "I'm worried Alfred. Something's not right." Alfred looked at him and saw a determined boy with worried eyes.

"Right Master Bruce, whatever you need."


"Come on, please tell me, what was it like." Rue whined. The topic of Bruce didn't drop and Selina was starting to get irritated. She groaned. "Can you stop talking about it."

"No way this is the first time you've even acted human instead of stone cold. You have a heart."

"Fine, it was short and simple. Nothing to it." She stated.

"That was it." When she got no response she sighed heavily. "You never tell me anything." She muttered turning away form her.

Selina slouched slightly, overwhelmed by silence. She should be happy the topic dropped. Right? Honestly now that she was caged in here she wasn't so sure about anything anymore.

"It was my first kiss." She whispered, she heard Rue shuffling to turn around. Her attention focusing on her. "Nevertheless I didn't think much of it. A quick peck on the lips that's all, just a peck. Ever since I was nine alot of bad things happen so I never allow myself to get to close, never allowed myself to have friends, never trusted anyone, me myself and I was all I needed. But he lost alot of things, lost himself a bit and I felt bad. I don't know why but I kissed him. I teased him about it, told him if he wanted to he could, but he didn't I did. He was all scrunched up and awkward he didn't know what to do, wouldn't call myself a pro either to be honest. I don't really know how he felt about it, like I said it was quick and short, only a couple of seconds but somehow it still was kinda special. I liked it, it was warm. Really warm. It gave me a different feeling, a good different. But I would never tell him that."

"When you get outta here, you should tell him."

"We're not on speaking terms anymore. I got too close and a bad thing happened."

"You shouldn't be afraid to be close to someone. Especially since you care about him."

She didn't know how to respond to that.

Before Selina could answer the room was suddenly exposed to light, jolting them back to reality The two goons and Frank burst inside. Completely ignoring Selina they swung open Rue's cell and made a grab for her. Selina shook the iron gate. "Stop, let her go." She chanted but they still ignored her. Grabbing onto Frank's coat she held it in a tight grip. "What are you doing."

"Times up." He growled, growing impatient he grabbed her arm and slammed her into the bars making her let go. Her head smacked against the hard floor making the world seem dizzy. Everything slowly went dark, the last thing she heard were Rue's frightened screams. She passed out.

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