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All of her thoughts went blank the second she opened the door. Where ever she was it wasn't anywhere near Gotham. The place had its own land, every inch was covered in snow and ice. If she was here a few months back she would of thought it was beautiful but now she wanted to be as far away as possible.

The wind blew through her wild locks, a pink blush quickly spread throughout her entire body. She almost forgot what it was like to be outside. To be free again. Slowly she drove her foot into the deep snow and stumbled down the path. Reality came crashing down once again when she heard a familiar voice behind her. "Find her and bring her back." She heard Frank barking orders at his goons. Silently cursing she looked around for a place to hide. Her body was sore and she was weak there was no way she would out run them in her condition.

Quietly, she crept towards the opposite direction, no longer following the path. She didn't know where she was going she just wanted to create some distance. Unsurprisingly luck was not on her side. "Sir, there's footprints going down here." She stopped and looked behind her. They were right she was making a track. Cursing herself for being stupid she kicked some snow on her prints. The snow was a massive disadvantage, she needed to hide and fast. She could hear someone coming in her direction. Quickly scanning the area she spotted nearby tree.

Not wasting any time she climbed for her life. Every muscle was crying out for her to stop but she couldn't. Survival was the only thing keeping her going. The second she placed herself on a branch she heard a soft crunch below. It was dark and her eyes took awhile to adjust. It was one of his goons.

He stood there with his gun out alert and ready, oblivious to her presence. Her heart stopped when her turned around. Looking directly at her. She didn't dare move. Hell, she didn't even breathe. Slowly her pointed his gun at her. His finger inches away from pulling the trigger. Snap!

Joulting out of his intense gaze he lowered his gun and whipped his head to the side.

Suddenly she felt the branch below her move slightly. Keeping herself still she slowly turned around. The old wood had a small crack showing, slowly expanding. It wasn't strong enough to hold her weight.

"No no no no." She pleaded. Not now. The branch shifted again and she knew all hope was lost. Slowly she tried to stand up but the second she moved the branch gave out. Letting out a gasp she crashed to the ground with a thud.

Rolling over she winced and raised her left hand. Slowly, she tried to move it but stopped when a sharp pain shot through her. She landed on her wrist and now it could be broken. She felt a warm breath on her neck and instantly panicked. She abruptly scrambled away from him but stopped when she heard no movement. He lay there with the branch over him, his eyes were snapped shut and a thick layer of snow covered him. Steadily she reach forward and placed two fingers on his neck. She soon felt a faint pulse and let out a breath of relief. He was alive. Her eyes wondered to the gun next to him. She hated guns. They were loud, heavily and a dumb tool but also deadly. She remembered when Bruce wanted a gun and she stupidly gave him one. That's the thing that bothered her so much when he asked for something she would always end up doing it, no matter how hard she tried to talk him out of it.

Taking in a heavy breath she blinked rapidly. She didn't have time to have a moment she needed to get out of her before someone else came. Her aim was to escape not kill. Holding her broken wrist to her chest she stiffly stood to her full height and continued to move, limping slightly.

Her eyes widened when she caught sight of the gates. They were closed but she could easily climb them. Hope filled up inside her. Cautiously she walked on a little faster, eager to leave. Freedom was at the tip of her fingertips but was soon snatched away when she felt a heavy impact collide onto her back. Losing her footing she tumbled down a steep hill and fell flat on her stomach, landing by a lake surrounded by rocks. An aching pain shot throughout her body, her wrist burning in agony. A pair of hands grabbed her and aggressively pulled her back up. Selina was face to face with an extremely pissed off Frank, his piercing eyes glared at her, his eyes were burning with hatred. A cold shiver ran down her spine.
"Where do you think your going." He tightly gripped her shoulders and pulled her forward. "He said you were a sneaky one." Who?

Selina made it this far and she refused to go down without. And the idea of being under the same roof as Percy scared her a lot more than she would like to admit. She would do this for Rue.

Ignoring the pain that racked her body, she tilted her head back and swiftly swung her head forward, smashing into his face. Blood gushed out from his nose. She swore she heard him growl. Everything happened in a blur, before she could register what was happening his fist slammed into her, making her fall. In an instant he was on her. "Stupid girl." He hissed as he hit her again and again and again, she wasn't sure how much she could take. Lifting her leg she kneed him where it hurt the most applying pressure. Shoving her away he groaned in pain.

Rolling away from him, she painfully stood back up. When she tried to run she immediately fell back down, tripping on the jagged stones and let out a painful shriek, her foot throbbing in pain. I didn't take long for Frank to get back up and catch her. Climbing over her, he straddled her small waist, a silver glint caught her eye and before she could do anything he drove the knife deep into her shoulder. Squirming in agony she let out a hoarse scream as she tried to push him away but the knife dragged down deepening the wound. Grabbing a fistful of his hair she tugging him away. The knife slowly pulled out of her arm and she pushed it out of his hand, sending it clattering beside them. Disregarding the knife completely Frank wrapped his hands around her neck, his grip tightening around her. Selina's eyes widened and she found it extremely difficult to breathe, her lungs felt tight and everything was burning. Staring up at his stormy grey eyes she saw the same hooded dark look Percy gave her in the cell but the difference was he seemed conflicted. Everything began to blur and unfocus.

In a desperate attempt she reached out to find the forgotten knife. Her fingers grazed the blade but couldn't get a hold of it. Her eyes rolled back and her heart beat was slowing down. Panicking she grabbed the first thing her hand made contact with and swung it round his head.

Swaying sideways he collapsed beside her, groaning in pain.

It took her awhile to register the fact she could breath again. But none of that mattered when she hurriedly climbed on him before he had the chance to get up. Everything else thing happened so fast she didn't even know what was happening at the time. She snapped. Raising the object high she slammed it back down on his face, and she did it again and again and continued repeatedly until his face was unrecognisable. A small sob escaped her lips as she slowed her actions, she didn't even know she was using a rock as a weapon.

He wasn't moving not even a twitch. Chucking the rock aside she checked for a pulse, her blood ran cold when she got no response. "No, don't be dead please don't be dead." She pleaded. When she still got no response she jumped away from him, backing away slowly. She killed him, brutality very brutality.

Don't get her wrong she killed people in the past but that was only two for necessary reasons of course. Survival. But this was different, it felt different. She once told Bruce it didn't bother her to kill, she lied.

"Father. Father!" Percy's drunken yell snapped her gaze away from the body. Turning around she limped as quick as she could to the gate.

She faintly heard Percy's yell and cries. Without looking back she slide through the gates.

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