
52 6 4

-3.09 years
the past

"Jesus Santiago, I swear to God, one of these days you're gonna get yourself killed."

"Good to know you care sweetheart." he grinned, blood staining his teeth red.

Haikou rolled her eyes, a visibly unimpressed look adorning her face. "You're reckless, impulsive, a danger to yourself-"

"-And effective. He's the best damn soldier you got so lay off him alright? Actually on second thought, make that second best damn soldier." a cocky smile broke out over Morgan's face as she wiped dried blood from from his wounds. "I believe the title of first belongs to me."

Uriel's heart spluttered erratically in his chest, seeing the mischievous curve of her lips. Morgan Vienna might as well have been synonymous to narcotics . The hard stuff that left you as an utter disaster, always wanting more. He tucked the strands of silvery gold that fell into her face as she worked behind her ear.

Haikou shook her head and accompanied the gesture of disapproval with a sigh. "Whatever you say Morgan. Just don't come crying to me if your boyfriend gets his head blown off someday."

Using her teeth to thread the needle she was holding, she flipped Haikou off with her free hand. This elicited a chuckle from Uriel, followed by a wince, as twinges of pain plucked at his nerves. Haikou rolled her eyes, the stiff set of her mouth revealing that she was trying oh so hard to repress a smile.

"See you guys around. Morgan don't forget, 8 PM, sharp."

"I won't!"

The sharp clicks of Haikou's shoes against the linoleum floor quickly faded as she moved on the harass the next soldier. Diana Haikou was someone who could only be described as a necessary evil. The girl was ruthless and vindictive and smarter than half the people in the Pit combined, but she got the job done and she always watched out for her own. Like most of the soldiers in the army, she wasn't European born. But her hometown in China had been obliterated when the demons began to crawl out of hiding, much like Uriel's in Chile. Europe had promised justice and the truth and drew them in like moths to a flame.

"Fuck!" he hissed, air whistling past his teeth as he recoiled. "Morgan, it's a needle not a knife."

She shot him a dispassionate look, pinching the two sides of his flesh together and poking the needle through again. "Don't be such a baby."

"You're practically stabbing me with that thing."

Arching an eyebrow, Morgan leaned in, strands of fine blonde hair tickling Uriel's thighs as her cool lips grazed the heated flesh of the half-stitched wound. "Better?"

He gripped her arm, pulling her to her feet and sliding her legs overtop of his, drawing her close. "I'll tell you when it is." he whispered.

Suddenly, pain flared in his abdomen and he cried out. Morgan offered him a half-apologetic, half-amused smile as she pulled the needle out. "Oops."

Uriel grunted, pulling himself upright. "Dammit Morgan, you're sleeping alone tonight."

She smirked, smoothly climbing off his lap to refocus on the task of stitching him up. "No I'm not."

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