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"Gail? Come over here now!" I hear my mother yell. Asking me, well, demanding me to come downstairs from my room.

I stood up from my bed and quickly ran for the stairs and bolted my way down, scared to be scolded by my mother if I didn't hurry.

"Yes mother?" I asked politely once I stood at the living room to where she was staying.

"I just wanted to remind you that the new neighbors will be moving in today. Maybe in a few hours, I'm not sure. I expect you to be in your room if they choose to visit us or something. I'll do the talking. Just make no appearance to them whatsoever, okay?" My mom lectured.

"Yes mother."

"Good, you may now head back to your room. I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too." I replied, heading back to the stairs.

My mom was always like this whenever we have new neighbors. I wasn't able to meet them or talk to them personally. And I didn't know why.

Ever since I was five when my dad passed away, she stopped me from going out. Me being a five year old girl, all I did was play with the neighbor's children. And apparently that's exactly what my mother wanted to end. She stopped me from having a happy childhood.

Until now I wasn't allowed to go out. It saddened me because I wasn't able to experience a normal life of a child. Or a teenager. I was homeschooled by my mom when I was six until eighteen so I also did not have any friends from school. Or friends in general. But I guess you can call my pet cat my only friend.

Despite all that, my mom still loves me. From the sweet gestures she gives me and all the "I love you's". I mean she does provide me with food and shelter. She shows me enough care for me to love her too.

Once I'm back at my room I lie on my bed and turn on my television. At least she bought me one.

I scanned through the channels and it landed to one of my favorite tv shows, the walking dead. It was the sixth season and they were showing the final episode before starting a new season this October.

While watching, thoughts about our new neighbors occupied my mind. I was guessing that they will live next door since the house beside ours was empty.

Speaking of neighbors, after an hour and a half of watching telly, I heard a car pull over.

I stood from my bed, curiosity taking over me as I walked towards my balcony. Yes, I have a balcony. It kind of surprised me that my mom gave me a room with a balcony and didn't bother to make me switch rooms.

My balcony is the only way I can get a glimpse of the word around me. I get to watch the children play, maybe on their bikes, the neighbors having parties and get togethers, I also get to watch the sunsets every now and then.

I saw a black car pull over at the house beside ours as I took a small peek on my balcony door. I opened it and stepped in to get a better look of them.

A man and a woman, which I was guessing was a married couple, got out of the car and went to the trunk to pull out some boxes and suitcases. A few moments later another man followed them to the trunk. He had really curly hair that stopped just by his collarbones.

He helped his parents (I think) carry boxes in their new home along with their suitcases.

I watched until they brought the last box from the car and decided to go back to my room before my mother catches me spectating them.

Plopping back on my bed I continued watching different shows on the television to keep me from thinking about our new neighbors.

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