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It was now night time and my mother and I just finished eating dinner. Throughout the meal she kept reminding me about the new neighbors and how I should stay at my room at all times blah blah blah. I'm honestly so tired with all that but if I try and tell her how I feel, I'd probably get a good smack on the face. How would I know? Well, thanks to past experiences.

Of course I tried to convince my mother about this problem before. I persuaded her to let me live a normal life and set me free. But she didn't have any of it. So you probably know what she did to knock some sense in me. I just wanted to step out of this house for a little while for god's sake.

I made myself some tea after dinner, which was a habit of mine for quite some time now, and went back to my balcony and left my tea on the table. It had a few chairs to go along with it as well.

I went back inside my room to grab my pajamas and went to the bathroom I had in my room to change. I decided to leave my hair down instead of tying it into a bun because of the cool breeze that ran through my neck when I was in my balcony.

I jogged back to my tea, hoping it was still warm and sat on one of the chairs I had.

This made me relax my mind and remove all the bad thoughts I had about my mother. The moonlight and the cool breeze sent chills to my whole body that made me sit back on my chair and think about nothing.

I heard a quiet purr and saw my pet cat Pumpkin walking around my leg. She then jumped over the table and let out a little 'meow'.

I giggled quietly and pet her head

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I giggled quietly and pet her head. Everything was so calming. Until I heard another balcony door open.

I turned my head towards the noise which was coming from the house beside us. Great.

I froze on my seat and tried not to make any noise myself that will make the person to notice me. Surprisingly the person that opened the balcony door was the curly haired man I saw earlier.

He was putting tables and chairs and other furnitures to fill his balcony like the ones that had on mine.

I watched quietly hoping he won't see me as he was putting things here and there. After everything was put to place he took a seat on one of the chairs and let out a big sigh. He was looking around the houses in front of us before looking at the sky. He smiled probably finding the night sky pretty. Tonight's sky was indeed a beautiful one.

I quietly cursed at my cat when she let out a loud 'meow' that caught the attention of the curly haired man. Damn these houses for being too close. My eyes went wide while I stared at him. He looked at me confused, me guessing it was because he didn't see any person at my house when they arrived.

He opened his mouth as he was about to say something but before he could do so, I quickly stood from my chair and went inside my room, pumpkin following me just before I shut the door. That was so rude.

But I had no choice. I wanted to keep my mother's word and that's what I did. Even if it would risk me having a bad first impression. Ugh.

"You should've kept quiet." I scolded pumpkin. She just sat on the floor, tilting her head not understanding a word I said.

I let out a sigh before patting her back and headed to my bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and walked out towards my bed.

Pumpkin was already sleeping on her bed beside my nightstand so I decided to get some sleep as well.

I turned my lamp off and pulled the sheets over me before diving into my deep slumber.

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