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im really sorry for the long wait x



I was surprised that Amanda, our neighbor, told us that she lived alone. I was sure enough to say that I saw a girl around my age or younger at the balcony beside mine the other night.

I just shrugged at the idea before I could say anything, thinking I was just hallucinating or something.

We ended up inviting her for dinner tonight which she politely agreed on. We said our goodbye's before heading back home. Yay, new friends.


My mom and I were just done setting the table up for tonight's meal. She told me that she'll check on the chicken she's roasting in the oven, leaving me alone in the dinning room. My dad was upstairs, sorting out what he was going to wear. Minutes after my dad came down, our doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I proclaimed. My mom said a simple "Okay" which was my cue to get the door.

I grabbed the door knob to open the door and there stood Amanda. She looked really nice as she smiled. I smiled back and welcomed her in.

"Dad will come down soon and mom said the roast will be done very shortly. You can have a seat first."

She nodded and took a seat at the couch, examining the house.

"Would you like something to drink while waiting? We have tons of beverages for tonight." I suggested.

"I'll just wait 'till dinner, thank you." I nodded, awkwardly standing while fiddling my fingers.

"Amanda! I'm so glad you came tonight. Dinner is all set and-- oh! Here's Robin." My mom greeted. My stepdad appeared wearing a button up shirt and some trousers to match.

"Hello Amanda! Glad you decided to spend dinner with us tonight. How are you?" My dad asked.

"I'm doing good. Hope you guys are as well?"

We all nodded our heads and invited her to the table to start the meal. This is going to be a long night.


Dinner went better than expected and we got to learn more about Amanda. She said that her former husband died during a tragic camping trip along with some friends many years ago. She didn't mention having a son or daughter.

"Thank you so much for tonight, I really enjoyed my time." Amanda said.

"We're always welcome to have you. Don't hesitate to come back some other time!" My mom replied.

Amanda nodded her head before we all said our goodbyes. My mom closed the door once Amanda left and I went upstairs to my room. I took a really quick shower since it was late and changed into some comfy clothes. I brushed my teeth and went straight to my bed to get some sleep.

Although I didn't get any.

Minutes passed and I found it hard to get myself to sleep. I kept shifting on my bed, finding the right position to sleep in. But neither worked so I ended up staring at the ceiling, thinking about nothing in particular.

I stood up and walked to my balcony to get some fresh air until I felt sleepy. I stepped in and leaned my arms on the railings staring at the moon. After awhile I heard a sliding door open. I looked beside me to see the sane girl I saw yesterday. She hasn't seen me yet so I decided to speak.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked. It took her awhile to answer.

"Um, Uh... Yeah."

"Why did Amanda say that she lived alone? Why didn't you join in for dinner?" Okay that was too straightforward.

She suddenly looked pale and nervous. Was there something I said?

"I have to go, I- I'm sorry."

"Wai-" Before I can finish she shut the door quickly.

I frowned to myself and also headed back inside. I was really confused. Who is she?

I didn't even notice I was having all of these thoughts while I was lying on my bed that eventually made me fall asleep.


excuse the errors

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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