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My mother was now getting ready to meet Anne's family for dinner. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to go with her. But I guess my mom won't ever consider me at another place other than my home.

I saw her fixing her hair in front of the mirror while checking the time. My mother was really beautiful. She didn't have to wear make up at all to look presentable. I admired her natural features so much since I was a kid and told myself that I wanted to look like her when I grow up.

"I'll be back soon, Gail. I won't be there for too long. Please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." She said.

"I won't mother, I promise." I reassured. "I hope you have fun." I said, smiling.

She smiled back at me and went downstairs, me following behind her. She told me to cook myself anything for dinner while she was away. I nodded before she locked the door and closed it after.

I went over my kitchen and looked around, thinking of what I can eat.

I debated whether to cook buttered chicken or mac and cheese. I decided to go with the simplest one which was the mac and cheese and gathered all my ingredients.

It only took a few minutes for the macaroni to soften when I boiled it before making the sauce. I mixed the two components after the cheese sauce was done and turned off the heat from the stove.

A grabbed a plate and filled it with mac and cheese and set it on the table. I got a glass and filled it with apple juice and went back to the dinning table and took a seat.

I ate in silence, my fork clashing with the plate being the only source of noise every once in awhile.

It didn't take long for me to finish my meal. I walked over to the sink to wash the utensils I used.

I went back upstairs to my room to watch some telly as I waited for my mother to go home. It's been about an hour since she left so I was guessing that she will come home soon.

I didn't really do much when she was away. I just wanted to stay up until she came back.

A few minutes later I heard the front door open which means my mom's home.

She opened the door to my room to check on me if I was okay. After I told her I was fine she told me that I should get some sleep, which I agreed on.

"Was the dinner okay?" I asked.

"Yes, it was. Go get some rest now Gail."

I nodded my head before she closed the door. I pulled the duvets over me and closed my eyes, waiting myself to fall into deep sleep.


I woke up at around 2 am, not able to make myself sleep again since then. I tried shifting positions but no luck.

I jumped off of my bed and went straight to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I then decided to just stay at my balcony until I felt sleepy.

So that's what I did, I opened the balcony door once I exited the bathroom and sat on a chair. Pumpkin wasn't here this time to make any noise incase Harry or someone is awake. Which I doubt.

I sat there for a little while, enjoying the night sky with the cool breeze that came with it. I stayed there for a few minutes until i felt calm. It relaxed me so much, I thought that it was enough to make me feel drowsy.

Deciding it was time to sleep again, I stood from my chair. But before I could get out, a deep raspy voice stopped me and made me dead on my tracks.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked.

I was debating whether to answer him or not but my subconscious told me to. So that's what I did and I'm not really sure if I regret it or not.

"Um, Uh... Yeah." I answered, not trusting my voice.

"Why did Amanda say that she lived alone? Why didn't you join in for dinner?"

At this point I wanted to stop this conversation because I didn't like where this was going. I went for the door to go back inside.

"I have to go, I- I'm sorry."

"Wai-" Before he can finish I shut the door quickly.

I shouldn't have talked to him. I should've stayed here inside. I walked back to my bed as I felt my heart pounding out my chest. I should've ignored him. Now he's going to want to talk to me again.

With these thoughts in my head, I unconsciously fell into deep sleep.


okay so I don't really do a/n's anymore but as I wrote this chapter i felt like something was wrong like i wasnt happy about how how i was writing this i dont know

i felt like i just kept rambling and i re read this a couple of times.


*sigh* okay so if there's anything wrong please comment it so i can change and correct it right away

have a good day x

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