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The next morning I woke up to the sound of Pumpkin purring on my bed while licking her paws. That made me squint my eyes for awhile and sit on my bed. I let out a yawn, searching for my clock to check what time it was. 7:32 am, it said.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom to do my business and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Good morning mother." I greeted once I came down.

"Good morning dear." She answered, sitting in front of the dinning table.

I went over to the kitchen to get some bread, cheese, and tomatoes so I can cook myself some grilled cheese. (With tomatoes)

Once I was done I sat across my mother and ate silently. She had a few fruits like strawberries, bananas, pineapples, and some other ones I didn't  know was on her plate as she ate silently as well.

It wasn't awkward because we were like this almost everyday. Unless she had something important to tell me which would probably be about me staying at my room. But this time she didn't bother to to tell me that.

After we finished I brought my plate to the sink and washed it. I then went to the living room and sat on one of the sofas. I grabbed the remote for the telly in front of me and turned it on.

I rolled my eyes when Scream Queens went on before changing the channel. Overrated TV shows ugh.

I landed on a channel called 'National Geographic' and slowly became interested with science stuff and experiments they were showing.

Before getting too attached with the show, I froze when I heard someone knocking on our door. My mom came out of nowhere and motioned me to go upstairs. I quickly turned the tv off and headed upstairs. Good thing the curtains were covering the windows or else they could've seen me.

I went upstairs to my room but I didn't shut the door because I wanted to hear what was going on.

I heard my mom open the door, unfamiliar voices coming after. I walked out of my room towards the staircase, crunching down so I won't be seen as I tried to get a better view of what was happening beneath me.

"Uh, hello." My mother greeted, confusion and annoyance evident in her tone.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you, I'm Anne." The woman who introduced herself stated, not knowing about my mother's uninterestedness.

"This is Robin, my husband, and Harry, my son."

Harry. His name was Harry. I saw his dimples form as he and his father smiled to my mom.

My mother on the other hand mustered the most fake smile I've ever seen as she introduced herself.

Anne then invited my mother for dinner later and she tried making up excuses so she wont go but ended up agreeing.

"Do you live by yourself?" Anne asked.

"Yes, yes, I live alone."

Harry looked like he was about to protest, which made me nervous because he did see me at my balcony, but I let out a sigh of relief when he chose not to say anything.

They said their goodbye's and walked out of the door. That made me rush to my room, close the door silently and jump on my bed, pretending I didn't eavesdrop to their conversation incase my mom comes upstairs.

I turned the tv on just before my mom opened the door. I acted natural and asked my mom if there was any problem.

"Our neighbors invited me for dinner later so I won't be here. Don't try anything stupid while I'm away. Remember that I'm just at house beside ours."

"Yes mother."

She nodded her head before closing my door. I let out a sigh and called for Pumpkin.

She quickly climbed on my bed as I sat back and petted her back. I then carried her, putting my hands under her two front legs letting her face me.

"I guess it's just you and me for the night, little buddy." I said.

She tilted her head and let out a 'meow', a gesture she keeps on doing when I talk to her. It amused me and made me smile.

I brought her back down as she lied down on her belly while moving her tail.

I laid on my back, staring at my ceiling, hoping that nothing bad happens while my mother's away.

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