Chapter 8

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Helen walked through the forest and found the cove in a few minutes. She would've gotten there sooner but couldn't because of the pain in her left wrist. Soon, she made her way down and found her way through the entrance of the cave only to be met by a worried Nightfury. What happened? You had me worried the whole time you were gone, the Nightfury said in a sad tone.

"I'm sorry Toothless, but I had a problem after training and sprained my left wrist. After that I grabbed you some fish and made you a prototype tailfin that could probably help you fly but I'm not really sure, so this took a few hours to make and here I am," Helen explained while showing the Nightfury/Toothless her left wrist.

How did this happen and why did you call me Toothless? the Nightfury/Toothless asked in a confused and curiosity tone.

"Well it was during training that one of the students landed his weapon onto my shield and tried to pry it from me to hit the dragon but I accidentally kept a hold of it and it popped out of place spraining it until I let go of it, allowing him to hit the dragon in the blind spot. And I figured that you needed a name since you and I first met on my home planet. In fact you were one of my two bestest dragon friends I ever had when I was little. My birth name was Helen De Zela, daughter of Jewel Da-De Zela and Ebben De Zela and the younger sister to Jean De Zela and twin sister to Keria De Zela," Helen explained proudly claiming her family name in happiness.

Helen? Toothless asks in recognition and disbelief.

"Yes, it's me. Helen De Zela," Helen said softly as she placed her things onto the ground gently before doing a dragon-like crawl, with her right hand, and gently touched his snout with her left hand.

Oh my gods! It is you! Toothless shouted happily as he nuzzled happily into her face while she returned the favor with happily with rubbing her right hand happily against his head.

"I can't believe it either buddy!! I missed you!! You have no idea how hard it was to go through my families death alone without my best friends with me," Helen replied tearfully and joyfully as she rubbed her head against his neck.

But I thought you were killed in the explosion, I couldn't keep wanting to live in this cruel world of slavery without you my friend, Toothless protested in a teary tone.

"I was able to survive because of my family. They pushed me through a portal they made themselves and it transported me to this world making me alone while I saw fire blow up right in front of it killing them in front of me. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to contact you but I am still very new to this world and I haven't been using my powers at all lately. Only trying to use it to uncover the secrets of this necklace, but so far I've come up with nothing. It's just hard with everything happening right now," explained Helen in a teary tone as she cried into his neck.

I'm sorry about your family Helen. But don't worry cause I will help you out with you power techniques and help your mother with training against dragons in case if you run into wild dragons, Toothless said sincerely as he nuzzled his head against her back in a comforting manner.

(Sniffs) "Thank you Toothless but for now, let's focus on getting you back into the air again," Helen said in a sniffling tone as she pulls away from the hug between girl and dragon and opens the basket that was full of fish.

Oh, you shouldn't have, Toothless says in a happy tone as he happily digs into the food.

"Yes, I should've. Plus I made sure that there was no eel in there because you know what happens when you eat the eel but I kind of forgot," Helen said in a happy and chuckling tone.

Toothless just chuckles a bit before he continues to eat. Helen slipped sneakily behind him and began attaching the prototype artificial tailfin to his tail while sitting on top of it to keep it from moving. Once when she was done, Helen opened the tailfin a bit and sat back to take a look of admiring it. Suddenly, Toothless's tail jerks and Helen quickly takes a tight hold onto the tail screaming in fright as they move upwards but start to move downwards as the left tailfin doesn't respond to the movements of the right tailfin. With quick thinking, she pulled out the left tailfin with her right hand and they immediately fly upwards towards the sky. "Oh my! It's working!" Helen shouted gleefully as she turned the tailfin towards the right and they fly in a right circle going over the cove.

"Yes, yes I did it!" Helen yelled out with excitement as they fly over the lake of the cove.

Hearing her voice, Toothless looked back to see Helen there before smirking and jerking his tail to the right making Helen flip off his tail and splash into the water below them. When she surfaced, Helen saw Toothless crash into the lake not far from her. Smiling, Helen yells out in excitement and victory before swimming over towards the shore and wraps around herself to keep herself warm. Toothless comes out of the lake and pulls out his wings to shield her from the cold weather.

"Thanks buddy. I don't know what I would do without you," Helen replied in a grateful tone as she leaned against Toothless and closed her eyes for a few minutes.

Anytime for my best friend, Toothless replied as he smiled and kept a wing wrapped widely halfway around her to block the wind from making his bestest human friend catch a cold.

Nice to know that you and your dragon friend my dear, her mother's voice says from behind them making them turn and see her birth mother standing there with a happy expression on her face.

"Mom? What are you doing here? What happened?" Helen asked scared out of her wits of her birth mother appearing without even her calling through her own necklace.

It's nothing to worry about dear, you might have touched the necklace unconsciously at some point without noticing so here I am to help you out in training you with Toothless, her mother replied in a reassuring tone as she knelt down next to her daughter and placed a reassuring hand on her daughters left shoulder.

"But how can I train right now when I am injured?" Helen asks confused and scared.

Her birth mother frowns before placing a glowing hand onto her daughters left wrist gently. Helen became shocked at what her mother was doing and felt a little pain come but it faded away. After a few seconds, her birth mother pulled her hand away and made a motion for her daughter to move her wrist. She complied so and felt nothing. What the...? Helen asked in her mind in shock of what just happened.

It's a healing spell that will take away the pain for a few hours to allow someone to not be in pain as medical work is done on them. Since we are far away from our homeworld, it will only last for an hour and it's the best I can do for now so let's get started with training okay? her mother replies to the question in her head and asks with a bright smile.

"Oh, heck yeah! I have been wanting to train for quite some time now mom," Helen replies excitedly forgetting about her being soaked in water and gets up with a big smile on her face, as does Toothless with a bit of a playful eye roll and smile, and begins her training for today.

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