Ticci Toby

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You are paying full attention to me as I weave through the group, pushing BEN Drowned's hat in front of you. You don't need me to tell you what's going on. You've played this game before, though usually you end up picking complete idiots. Now you're picking from a bunch of psychotic killers, yet someone that almost seems more comforting.

You reach into the hat, digging your hand to the bottom. Your fingers closed around something, something hard and heavy. You pull it out of the hat, overlooking it. It appears to be a chunk of metal, though you can't imagine who would have a chunk of metal handy to throw inside the hat.

"This one will be nice." I say to myself. You ask me what I'm going on about, but I ignore you effectively and drag you towards the closet. I toss you inside and you immediately smash into someone else, collapsing to the ground. "Seven minutes starts now. Have fun!"

You just managed to miss smashing your head on the closet door, yet you're still dazed from being knocked over. If I hadn't forced you into the closet so violently, that probably wouldn't have happened. You're about to grumble something darkly to yourself when you catch movement in the dark. A hand now rests in front of you and an all too familiar voice says, "I'm so sorry. I didn't hurt you did I?" the voice clearly belongs to Ticci Toby. You would know his voice anywhere.

"I'm fine. Not your fault anyways." you respond, allowing Ticci Toby to wrap his fingers around yours and pull you to your feet. You shake your head a little, but otherwise appear to be quite fine.

"Here, let me apologize to you." Ticci Toby says. You observe as he pulls down the mask over his mouth, revealing it to you. You allow Ticci Toby to push his lips against yours, stealing you into a kiss. If this is an apology, you want him to be forced to apologize to you more frequently. The kiss seems never-ending, but you absolutely love it that way. Sadness washes over you as Ticci Toby draws back. "Do you forgive me?"

You smile and say, "Oh I dunno. I'm not sure that kiss was quite enough. I'm still a little mad at you." Ticci Toby smiles back at you. "Maybe you should try apologizing again, but a little more boldly."

Ticci Toby immediately understands what you're saying and moves quickly to kiss you again, this time throwing more passion into the kiss. You wrap your arms around his back as you kiss him. You feel as though you've been thrown into heaven. It takes you a moment to realize the door is now open and I am standing there watching.

"What are you doing?" you ask with a gasp, quickly stepping away from Ticci Toby. Ticci Toby immediately covers his mouth again.

I say with a grin, "Time's up, kids. Don't worry, though. I'm sure you'll get to spend more time with another." You can hardly believe that time has passed so very quickly. It was like you just started.

Ticci Toby motions for you to follow him. He takes a seat on a single person chair and you wonder what he wants. He pats his lap a couple of times and finally, you get the hint. You climb into the soft, cushiony seat, resting your body against his. You close your eyes as Ticci Toby begins stroking your head. Many eyes are on the two of you, but neither of you seem to mind. I can't help but smile a little, wondering if fate has its way of working itself into these games. It always seems to.

Creepypasta 7 minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now