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You attempt to glance over your shoulder, to ignore the hat I hold out in front of you. You growl as I push BEN Drowned's hat against the side of your face, effectively catching your attention. "Come on, stop ignoring and pick an item. As one of the few girls around here, you have to play. I already went." You finally give in to me and reach inside the hat. You don't bother feeling for a specific item because you don't plan on letting me lock you in a closet with anyone. You lean a little to the side as you pull an item out of the hat, trying to avoid me entirely.

You hold in your hang what appears to be a Gameboy Charger. The pitch black cord is wrapped around the plug messily. You glance over to notice the person you were sitting next to is now apparently absent. Before you can figure out who was sitting to your right, I snatch you by the arm and forcefully guide you across the living room.

You gasp as I shove you inside a nearby closet, throwing the door closed in your face. "Seven minutes, my friend." I suddenly open the door, but before you can react, I throw BEN's hat, now devoid of objects, back inside. "Here's your hat back, by the way." The door closes again. "Start, now!"

You can't help but search the closet, wondering if you're really trapped inside with who you think it is. You smile a little as you see a small figure pressed up against the back of the closet, staring uncertainly at you. It's BEN Drowned, who is clutching his hat to his chest.

"I can't believe you got yourself conned into this game too." you say with a smile, figuring that if anyone was to try and avoid a game like this, it would be BEN. You're shocked he isn't huddled in some corners playing away on his Gameboy. "I'm not even sure I comprehend this game."

BEN takes a step towards you, his small eyes focused on you. "Well, we're trapped in this closet for seven minutes. You can kind of do whatever you want." He blushes a little as he adds, "Though apparently everyone does romantic stuff." He coughs. "I'm not really good at romance, though. I couldn't even get a wife in Skyrim."

You can't help but laugh a little at BEN. "Well, I guess we could try something, if you want." BEN doesn't speak. He takes a step towards you, leaning towards your mouth. You push forward, the two of you falling into a deep, passionate kiss. You feel BEN wrap his arms around your back, pressing your body against his. You twist your head a little to the side as the kiss continues.

BEN closes his eyes, melting fully into the kiss. Eventually, you do the same. You two are completely ignorant to me as I throw open the door, revealing the two of you embracing one another, and absorbed in a kiss. I pat you on the back and you jump. BEN looks with you as he glance to see who pestered you. You smile when you see me. BEN, however, wraps his arm around yours and proudly guides you out of the closet, directly past me.

"Well, it looks like somebody had fun." I say with a laugh. I turn around to the group and ask, "Did everybody get a good look at that one?" A few laugh. A couple blush. One turns to counteract me, but I silence them.

You take a seat on the couch again, Eyeless Jack on one side of you. You are happy, however, to know that BEN is on the other side. You lean a little in his direction and he pushes against you as well. I smile, picking up the hat BEN dropped on the ground and dropping it back on his head. He doesn't notice... nor do you.

Creepypasta 7 minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now