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u sat there on the floor rubbing your head that you had just banged into the wall. The sounds of my words echoed through your head, 'seventeen minutes, not seven!' You were slightly panicking a little. Sure you had a crush on Hoodie but you didn't know what to say to him now that you were stuck in a closet with him for seventeen minutes, actually you never knew what to say to him. You were always quiet just like he was.

"A-Are you okay (Y/N)?" Hoodie asked shyly.

"Yeah I'm fine." You replied quietly.

An awkward silence filled the air suffocating you as you two sat there in the closet. You leaned up against one wall as he leaned up against the one straight across from you. You sat in silence for a few minutes, contemplating what to say, but as soon as you would think of something to say you would either loose the nerve to or forget it all together.

"I'm really s-sorry about this." You heard Hoodie say, breaking the strained silence.

"A-about what?" You asked.

"Me." Was his only reply.

A few more moments went by before you finally got the gumption to say something.

"What do you mean?" You prodded.

"I-I know I'm really shy, and really ha-hard to talk to. So I feel bad for you being stuck in a closet with someone like m-me." He confessed.

You sat for a moment, thinking over your options of what you could do. You thought them all through and you picked the one that would be one of the most bravest things you ever did when it came to being social. you lifted yourself up a bit and scooted across the floor over to Hoodie and sat next to him sitting with your knees pulled into you.

"Can I tell you something Hoodie?" You asked him.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"H-Honestly, I really enjoy being around you. Your not as loud and as startling as the others and that's what I-I like abo-out you." You told him blushing a bit.

You couldn't see it through his mask, but he was blushing too, and even smiling a bit.

"D-Do you really mean that (Y/N)?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, I do." You told him.

It went silent again, but this time it wasn't as awkward. Still there was still some tension that hung in the room but it wasn't as painful as it was before.

"Hey, (Y-(Y/N)?" Hoodie called.

"Yeah Hoodie?" You answered.

"C-Can I........Kiss you?" He asked nervously.

All you could do was nod, and the extremely shy Hoodie lifted up his mask and kissed you. It was gentle and sweet. It lasted a few seconds before hormones got the best of you and most of your shyness dissolved into this kiss. You faced him a little more and placed your hands on Hoodie's chest, gripping gently at his clothing while letting your legs falter down to the floor so they weren't in the way. He pulled his mask off all the way setting it down beside him then gently and carefully without breaking the kiss sat up a little and swung his legs over you slowly to straddle your thighs, as if afraid to offend you with his sudden courage. You put your hands on each side of his head and pulled his face down to your own deepening the kiss with the sweet and shy boy who was straddling you. He gently snaked his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him as you wrapped your own arms around his neck pulling him down into you. The kiss was deep, gentle and passionate. Hoodie gently gripped at your sides with his hands constricting you in place. Neither of you wanted to break the kiss so you both breathed in gently in and out of your nose, savoring every moment. One of Hoodie's hands pulled away and slowly dragged down your thigh until he got to the edge of your skirt. He gently slipped his hand under and pushed his palm up on the outside of your thigh, stopping once his chapped fingertips hit the fringe of your black lacy underwear. You shivered in delight at the feeling of Hoodie's hand gliding up you thigh and it gave you the idea of since he was being so brave, so should you. You licked his lower lip, asking a sweet and gentle game of tongue wrestling, to which Hoodie Immediately reacted and the games began. Your tongues playing around together twisting and turning and gently pinning each other. He tasted of cheesecake and it brought butterflies to your stomach. Hoodie slipped two fingers under the lace of your underwear as- 'BAM' The closet door was flung open and a flash of bright white light filled the room as Hoodie leaned into you hiding his face in the crook of your neck, blocking your face at the same time from the blinding white light.

"Woah! I was expecting you guys to be holding hands or something, but not that! Haha Hoodie, GET SOME!" I shouted as I ran back out to the living room, polaroid in hand. Hoodie scurried across the room to grab his mask to put it back on as a blast of vibrant pink flung across your subtle features. Hoodie crawled back over to you and sat kneeling in front of you with his hand extended, asking you to take it without having to say any words. You grabbed his hand as you both shyly walked out holding hands and walking extremely close to each other, very scared of the attention you were going to attract.You were hiding slightly behind him as you walked. You tip toed out to see me showing BEN, Jeff, and EJ the picture of you and Hoodie in the closet.

"Hoodie! Where is your hand?!" BEN asked shocked still staring at the photograph.

"I never saw Hoodie and (Y/N) as the type..." EJ spoke out stunned.

"Nice one Hoods!" Jeff piped in as he held his hand out for a high five for Hoodie. Hoodie barely tapped his palm with three fingers before leading you over to the couch, where you guys watched TV, held hands, cuddled, kissed a little, and eventually fell asleep cuddled up in each others arms.

Creepypasta 7 minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now