Chapter Three.

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Sorry this chapter is quite short, I have been busy recently and had hardly anytime to write, but I will make up for it I swear. Enjoy! (The next few chapters are about to get crazy btw!)

.Ace Rider.

I don't know what came over me, but my heart stopped beating for a few moments, my face fell, the receptionist look worried as guilt shined in her eyes. I stepped back, my face blank, frozen in horror. My mother, my beautiful mother was in surgery. I wanted to scream, to cry, to throw my fists at something, but I couldn't move. I stood there like a complete idiot, my thoughts quiet, nothing, nobody moved. The people around me watched, their faces in shock expecting me to throw a fit. I nodded slowly and walked out of the hospital. I got on my bike and I rode home.

The ride was short, I was what seemed to be soulless, and nothing came out of me, not a single tear. I got into the house, it felt empty and alone, and it was so silent. I walked to the lounge room and let a small breath out. But then it's like everything exploded, my thoughts all came rushing back, cramming into my head. Anger rose inside me, my eyes became blurred. So did my motions. All I can remember is punching the wall, then smashing everything fragile in the kitchen and then destroying my bedroom, piece by piece. I lay down on my bed, the sheets nowhere to be found under the mess that I cause. The only thought in my mind bolder than any others was slapped in my mind.

It's all my fault.





Everything became silent again, I felt lonely, the house was black, no lights, no movement, nothing. I stared at my ceiling hoping that it would open up and suck me out of this terrible dream. My mother was in hospital and I caused it.

The sun slowly crept up, waking me from my sleep. Surprised to even be sleeping when my mother was hurt, I let out a sigh and slowly got up. My head pounding, my hands dry from the blood stained on my knuckles. I wasn't going to go to school today.

Anna still hasn't texted me back and I am in desperate need of socialising with anyone. To have them tell me that it's going to be okay. I pull out my phone; it has Jake's number in that I got from the party. My finger hovers over the call button before slamming down and the screen shifts.


"Jake?" I hide the trembles in my voice.

"You called, who is this?"

"It's Ace."

"Oh! Hey what's up man? How come you're not at school?"

"I'm not coming today, or maybe for the week. My mother is in hospital." Shocked at how easily I just spilled my guts to a guy I completely didn't know I quickly made an escape to cover the awkwardness. "It's probably nothing but I guess I just wanted to let you know."

"Alright man. Hope she gets well soon. Look you can always come to this party we are having, it's on Thursday, you know, to get your mind off things?"

"I'll think about it, thanks Jake." Just as we hang up, I hear a loud bang and then the line goes dead. Shrugging thinking it was nothing and my eyes begin to water again. Gees I'm turning all mushy. I swipe at them and decide it's probably best if I get out before I cause anymore damage to this house.

. Ophelia James.

A few minutes earlier...

I scurry quickly grabbing my books for my class, I have never been late before so my heart rate is increasing as the students in the corridor begin to disappear. Slamming my locker shut I hurry to the 'T' part of the hallway and make a sharp right, my books go flying to the ground and I fall after them. The hard chest I just ran into is groaning on the floor beside me. I rub my head and gather my books, lifting my head slightly as the words escape from my lips before I can stop them, "Watch where you're going stupid." I gulp, standing up quickly and backing myself into the wall as the person rises. The most poplar guy rises from the floor, his eyes pined to me, and the phone he was holding smashed on the ground beside my foot. He walks towards me as my breath catches. "Look, I-I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me it was an accident!" I yelp, his face coming closer to mine, breathing down at me. His face is full of anger as he lifts his hand towards my face.

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