Chapter one

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I sit on the couch not daring to move or eat or drink. Nothing feels right without her.
It's been a mouth since Katniss returned and I have only seen her once and that was the day where she came back but I knew something was wrong, she was so quiet and her eyes said it all.

At night I hear her scream out but she just stops and looks out the window with tears in her eyes. I want to hold her so bad but the amount of times I've heard her have a flashback and it's scares me but hurts me more.

It's about nine o'clock when I head upstairs to bed. I slowly sink into the mattress and my eyes start to shut as I fall in to the darkness of nightmares about losing my love even though that's already come true.

I wake up to the sound of screams and crying and I know it's Katniss and this time I had to go to her. I get changed and run over to her house. I run upstairs to see her rocking back and forth with her hands over her ears repeating "it's not real, it's not real" over and over again.
I step forward and call out her name but she just keeps on rocking and I see the tears rolling down her face, I walk up to her and kneel down and touch her shoulder but she jumps away. She looks me straight in the eye and then looks down saying "I don't want to hurt you because that's all I do destroy all the things that I care about" I move closer and sit on the bed.
I left her chin up so she is looking at me, I say "I know you Katniss and you won't hurt me and the person inside of you who snow took away from you is not the real Katniss just a different side okay so come here" I open up my arms and she gladly walks into them. I soon enough hear her quite little sobs on my shoulder. I hear her whisper,

"Stay with me?"
I reply with

Burnt out (sequel to Somebody to Die For) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant