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"Hey, I'm Jack," he almost shouted. The music was too loud to make small talk.

"Alex," I nodded, shutting down the conversation. Once finished, I zipped up my pants and walked back to the basin to wash my hands.

"Good lad," he smiled.

"Sorry?" I asked, confused in the conversation.

"You washed your hands," he said, zipping up his own pants and pointing at my soap covered hands.

I was confused as to why he picked up on it and nodded.

"Most people don't and then next minute your mates making you a chicken salad and you get salmonella."

What? That's all I could think. What did he just say. I laughed, hoping he'd be satisfied with my reaction and walk out. I'm not even sure you can get salmonella from not washing your hands.

"So you're on holiday Alex?" He said, walking closer towards the basin.

I nodded instantly and quickly grabbed a few paper towels to dry my hands.

"I'd love to take you around places, I've been living here for a bit, maybe I can have your number?" He asked.

I was almost appalled at his lack of people skills. You can't just ask for someone's number.

"I have a boyfriend," I spat out.

"Oh no, I'm not gay," he said shocked, throwing his hands up.

"I'll have to pass, sorry," I murmured, walking out of the bathroom.  Second night of Brazil and I'm not sure it could get weirder. Maybe people were just openly friendly like that here. No one was like that in Baltimore. Maybe he's drunk. I struggled to find Nathan's face in the crowd, but once I spotted him I almost ran towards him.

"We have to go," I panted. Nathan's face turned to a disappointed, yet angry frown.

"Why," he said, folding his arms.

"There's some creep who was talking to me in the bathroom."

That's all I had to say. Nathan completely tensed up and grabbed my hand, yanking me out of the building. "Do you need me to talk to him?" He asked.

Finally I could hear what someone was saying without the loud music blaring into my ear.

"Let's just go down the road, there's so many bars around here. I saw one on the beach," I avoided the subject of him hurting anyone, because that's what it would resort to. Nathan had a history of fights. When I openly came out to people at school for being gay, and then telling them Nathan was my boyfriend, they were all shocked. Everyone knew Nathan, he was notorious at our school. One time he got in a massive fight with some guy over homophobic slurs being thrown and he nearly killed the guy.

Nathan was a huge contrast to me. Sure, I could stand up for myself if needed, but generally I steered away from violence. I was also a bit quieter and kept to myself, whereas Nathan was the polar opposite.

"Okay, let's go then," he gripped my hand tight and pulled me down the road. I have to admit the sudden contact hurt and he squeezed too hard. I could feel a sharp pain of pins and needles. I didn't like when Nathan was tense but if I told him, he'd get angry.


My head was thumping and being rotated around the room. I was quick to push myself up off the bed, but it only made matters worse. I looked over at Nathan, who was over at the window, sitting on a chair playing on his phone.

"Morning sunshine," he smiled, locking his phone. "Someone had a bit of fun."

I was still confused, how much did I drink last night? I slammed back into the mattress, bouncing.

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