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I hoped inside the shower and the hot beads instantly trickled down my back. I felt a lot of worries slide off with it.

After properly cleaning myself, and also just standing around in the steam, I turned off the water and stepped out, drying myself off. I reached for Jack's boxers, but then hesitated and decided to put on the jeans I was wearing earlier. I then put on his t-shirt because it looked to be a baggier fit.

I opened the door and the steam from the room raced out with me.

I noticed Jack sitting on top of the island in the kitchen area, staring at the wall.

"Uh, here you go," I handed him back the towel and his left over clothes. He hopped off the bench and took the materials out of my hand and tossed them to the side near a cupboard.

"Better?" He smiled. He had a very warm smile. I can understand why he had so many friends that day at the beach.

"Much," I leant back on the counter next to him.

"Is he usually like that?" He asked, looking at the wall again. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want him to think Nathan was bad.

"No," I lied.

"Okay, well if anything like that happens again, you know where I am, I have a lot of friends that are stupid drunks," he looked at me, but my focus was on that wall. "So why are you here in Brazil?"

"A gap year with Nathan. I finished school last year and we've travelled a lot. This is our second last stop," I explained. He nodded his head. "You?"

"Moved here not too long ago for some fun. I had to pick up a job though for rent and stuff. It's fun, but not long term."

Silence filled the air. It was quite late now, and you could see the whole city from a window in the room. I instantly walked over to it, amazed by the sight. Lights from both directions, meeting in the middle. You could see the trees swaying in the light night wind, and you could see the stars reflection in the water near the horizon.

"It's a beauty, isn't it?" He leant down next to me, laughing.

"It's amazing. You're so lucky," I said in awe. We stood in silence for a few minutes before Jack decided to break the silence.

"Hey Alex, you know I was being serious before if your boyfriend does anything like that again just give me a call and you can stay here."

I over to where he was sitting by window, "Thank you Jack, I'm sure nothing like that will happen though. But it's nice to know I'll have someone there for me even though I was pretty rude to you before."

"Don't worry about that, I was kind've full on when we first met so I don't blame you for acting like that," Jack replied, standing up and walking to the kitchen. "I was drunk and needed to pee, so why not make a friend?"

I laughed remembering how we met.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep now, if that's alright," I asked.

"Yes, of course! You take the bed," he offered once more.

I shook my head and resorted to the couch. He looked at me again, giving me an are you sure look. I nodded once again and pulled one of the throw blankets over me. The light soon clicked off and I heard his footsteps train away into his own bedroom.


I woke up to loud beeping.

"Shit!" Jack cursed.

My eyes opened quickly and darted around the room.

"Shit I'm sorry, I was trying to make toast but I burnt it and I was trying to be quiet," he stumbled out. He had his uniform sloppily on his body, hopping around trying to put his left shoe on.

I leant up on my elbows behind me, "No, it's okay, I was going to leave before you woke but I must've slept too much."

I was now sitting on the side of the couch, rubbing my eyes.

"I can give you a ride?" He offered.

"No it's alright. It isn't too far and I think I'd like to walk off everything and figu- yeah I'll walk," I smiled.

"What?" Jack asked. He caught me.

"Hm?" I looked at him, as I reached for my clothes that were folded on the coffee table.

"What did you figure?" He said rather nosily. Maybe he didn't have one of those sensors where you think things through before you say.

"Just stuff with Nathan, it's alright though. I'm just going to use the bathroom to get changed," I told him. I was a bit light-headed when I stood, due to standing up way to fast. Once I regained sight I continued to walk towards the bathroom.


I was soon back at home. It took me about 20 minutes from Jack's house to get back to the apartment.

For some reason, I was feeling really really good. I was feeling that whatever was going on with Nathan we can resolve it. I love him so much, and I know he loves me so much. This trip is going to be amazing and when we leave here and adventure to Europe we will have an amazing time.

I just know it.

I got close to the door and was just so excited to see him.

To hug him and kiss him.

I slipped the keypass over the lock and the door clicked, opening.

I walked in, to see Nathan passed out in the bed. He was breathing in and out softly with a half eaten Mars bar in his hand.

I walked over and admired this view, kind of like the view of the city from Jack's apartment.

I laid down and moved his arm to drape over me. The mars bar fell to the ground as he soon regained consciousness. He made eye contact with me and his eyes fluttered for a few seconds.

"I'm surprised you came back," he grumbled.

I put my hand to his cheek, drawing patterns lightly.

"Of course, I just wanted you to have some space last night, I'm here now," I moved in closer.

He looked at me in the eyes once again as my lips soon crashed with his. The eye contact broke and so did our lips.

His hands were to my chest and I lifted my fingers from his cheeks.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I was dumbfounded.

What was I doing? Loving him?

"I just miss you," I smiled.

"You saw me yesterday. You didn't miss me then, you left," he sat up, leaving me in an awkward and uncomfortable position. I sat up too, facing him.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings babe," I gripped his hand. He flinched but let me hold on.

"Just don't do that again. Tell me when you're leaving. I'd like to know," he looked over to the television that was lightly playing the news in the background.

"You'd love Jack. He let me stay at his house, I reckon you two would get along very well. It's okay, he isn't gay. There was a lot of photos of a girl there, I reckon it's his girlfriend, maybe we should all hang out!" My words raced out of my mouth all too quickly.

"Hm? Yeah, alright, cool," Nathan mumbled.

"Yeah, that would be cool," I smiled to myself.

Wait, I don't even know if that is Jack's girlfriend. Maybe it's a sister.

I did want Nathan to meet Jack though.

Brazil would be nice with some friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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