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Jack looked taken aback by what had just unfolded here moments before, he looked as if he wanted to come and open conversation with me so I quickly caught back up with the group.

Seen as Nathan didn't seem to want me around him, I just tagged at the back of the group.

"Hey, Alex was it." A familiar voice suddenly said from behind me.

I glanced back to see Jack walking a few paces behind me.

"Uh, yeah." I replied with disinterest, dismissing the conversation.

"So, was that your boyfriend before? What was he so angry about?" Jack questioned, falling into stride with me.

"Why do you keep talking to me?" I asked ignoring his questions.

"I don't know," he huffed.

"Then stop," I scoffed, walking up to the group faster. His footsteps became quieter and I looked back and he was walking in a different direction. I swear to god if I see him again I'll put some restraining order on him. It's not normal, he's just... Weird.


I never thought that this moment would arrive. The walk was completed. We continued to walk towards a cafe, Nathan sat down in a seat as I walked over to the bar to order drinks. My eyes scanned the menu, when a cheerful voice interrupted me.

"Hi welcome to Stewart's Diner, what can I get you?" I gazed down to the small blonde girl, her voice was very high.

I was lost for words, I didn't know what to order and I'm always terrible in situations that put me on the spot. "Uh, um, shit, fuck sorry," I accidentally cussed a couple times, placing my right hand over my mouth.

"He'll grab two Coke Zeros," Came a voice from behind me. I spun around to see the same tall guy from before, it's like he's following me.

"Is that all?" The lady asked once more. I nodded my head and handed her my travel card and I typed in the pins. She gave me a table number and I went to walk back over to Nathan, ignoring the stalker.

"Come on, aren't you even going to say thanks," He asked, lightly touching my shoulder.

"I don't know who you are, or why you're following me everywhere, but I swear to god if you don't stop I will tell the cops," I exclaimed, my pointer finger digging into his chest.

"Hey, who says I'm following you?" he shrugged.

I pushed my finger further into his chest and shoved him a little, causing him to stumble back a bit.

I pushed through the small crowd over to the window seat Nathan picked out for us.

"- Yeah exactly. Oh, Alex is coming, gotta go, bye," Nathan quickly ended the call and threw his phone on the table.

"Who was that?" I asked as I sat down, placing our number on the table.

"Mum, she's just worried because I don't call her too much," he grinned. "Hey, why is some guy staring at you?"

I looked away from Nathan, and followed his eyes across the room.

I should've guessed it. That guy, Jack guy was still in the same spot, staring at us.

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