Part 26

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Connie walked into their office and over to Jacob, straddling him and kissing him gently, "are you ok having looking after Grace tonight? A few of the girls that I worked with at Holby have invited me out, I'm going to take Clarice along too, I feel like I should make more of an effort with her" she said.
"Course baby" Jacob replied as he held her waist.
"Thank you" she smiled before kissing him again.
"Now as much as I'd like to sit here all night kissing you, you have friends to see and I have Grace which means pizza, movies, popcorn, sweets and ice-cream" he told her.
"Mmm I'll see you later then" Connie replied then she placed a passionate kiss to his lips before climbing off him.
He smirked as he watched her grab her coat and bag then saunter out the door.

"Ready to go Clarice?" she asked,
"Of course Ms Chase" Clarice replied as she grabbed her things.
"It's Connie, we are no longer working" Connie told her with a smile.
Connie had booked a taxi so they got in once outside then gave the driver their destination.
Fifteen minutes later the taxi pulled up outside a bar then they went inside.
"Everyone this is Clarice, Clarice this is Jac, Serena, Zoe, Rita, Lily, Mo, Zosia and Morven" Connie said as she sat down at the table with them.
They all introduced themselves and chatted whilst Jac went to the bar.
She came back a few minutes later with glasses and champagne, filling each glass and handing them round.
Connie drank her champagne quickly, not thinking at all about what she was doing, and soon the drinks were flowing.

"Let's dance!" Zosia shouted, after a little too much vodka.
Everyone got up and went to the dance floor as the music blared, all of them laughing and screaming.
"Another drink?" Clarice asked.
Connie nodded, "I'll get them" she said before heading to the bar.
She ordered the drinks and stood waiting when a man approached her, "can I buy you a drink?" he asked her.
Connie laughed, "I've already ordered, anyway I don't think my boyfriend would approve" she giggled, clearly drunk.
"Lucky man, I won't tell him if you don't" he replied.
"In that case, you can pay for my round" she smirked at him.

Half an hour later Connie hadn't returned with their drinks, so the girls had taken it upon themselves to buy another.
They carried on dancing with each other, Clarice and Jac only stopping when Connie stumbled over to them crying.
"Clarice I can't go home, can I stay with you tonight please?" she cried in her drunken state.
"Course you can, what's wrong?" Clarice asked as she led her towards their table.
"I can't go back to Jacob, he'll hate me. I've been so stupid" she sobbed.

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