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It was six in the morning when we got home. Calum offered us a meal after the fight and dropped me off my house.

"Luke, where were you?", I jumped as I heard my older brother, Jack, said in a tired voice. "I went to Star Alley with Michael last night to watch his boyfriend's fight", I said, honestly. "You watch boxing?", he tilted his head with a confused look. "No, well, I do now.", he just gave me a little nod kissing my forehead and went straight to the kitchen.

I went upstairs to my room and changed into my boxers and a plain black tank. A sudden image popped into my mind as I lie on my comfy bed. It's the boy from last night. The one with red shorts on. His eyes are just lovely, and not to mention those perfectly buffed biceps. I wonder what Calum meant when he told me to stay away from him.

Not even noticing, I fell into a deep sleep.

It's already ten in the morning when I woke up. My phone started to play my Blink-182 ringtone and Michael's picture was shown on my screen.

"Mikey what's up?"

"I went to get some coffee a while ago and saw a boxing poster. The guy you've been crushing on since last nice, will have a match later at ten. You want me to come with you? I won't tell Cal."

I let out a small giggle when he said the word "crush".

"Wouldn't it bother your boyfriend?"

"No, he won't know."

"Okay, if that's so. Pick me up at nine thirty"

Michael hung up with a small 'K'. I didn't catch myself smiling after that. "I will be seeing the hazel eyed guy again", I thought to myself. Sudden happiness splashed through me. Maybe I am really crushing on this "unknown" guy.

Nine thirty came like a jet plane. I hurriedly picked my clothes; black ripped jeans, a cute pastel pink sweater, and my black vans. I put everything on and waited for Michael to pick me up.

"Honey, Mikey's here!", I heard my mom shouted from downstairs. I took a glance at my body-length mirror once again and went to meet Michael on the front door.

"Be back before twelve baby!", I gave my mom a peck on the cheeks and grabbed my keys from the coffee table.

"Are you sure it wouldn't bother Calum?" I blurted out while we were walking.

"It won't bother him unless we let him know.", he winked at me and shook my head at my rebellious best friend.

I felt nervous when we entered the room. Same old smell, made me want to vomit. We picked a seat closer to the ring, first row. Michael went to buy some drinks when the most beautiful human being I have ever seen caught my eye. He was putting some kind of a clothe around his knuckles, which I think is, preferably. He's eyes were focused on his hands, the eyebrows corner nearly touching.

I was so hypnotized by the boy and I didn't notice his brown orbs locking to my blue ones. I let out a little gasp and looked down on my thigh as I fumble with the hem of my sweater. He looked at me. He fucking looked at me.

I bit my lip and decided to take a look at the older boy again. To my surprise, he was still looking. I turned into a bright red tomato, putting on a small smile, trying to make an impression. He gave me a flat expression, which is not usual since he is always scowling, and raised his eyebrows. I stopped smiling and turned my gaze to other things, embarrassed.

When Michael came back, he gave me a can of coke and gave me an apologetic look. "What's up?", I asked taking a sip from the straw. "Calum asked if he can come over to my house, I somehow need to go.", I frowned at the thought of going home. "No, you can stay. Maybe I'll pick you up after the match if Calum decides not to sleep over.", I gave him a simple "okay". "Text me", Michael gave me a hug and left in a hurry. Great, now I'm all alone.

The match started and I couldn't take my gaze off of the boy. I watched him carefully. How his temples tense when he let out a punch, how his eyes turn from hazel to dark, really dark brown. There is something in him. Dangerous. As Calum would say. But no, there is something more. Something that I need to know.

I spent the whole fight focusing on him. His forehead is dumped with sweat and it trickled from his neck, to his tanned chest. Hot. Hot, was all I can think of. He's beautiful, though I still like him this way.

When the match ended, i texted Michael to pick me up.

"Lukey I'm sorry Calum said he wants to stay for the night :-------( Text Ben, or Jack. Call me when you get home

I replied, "It's fine Mikey. I'll call you.". Even though I'm a little pissed off.

An hour passed by and there aren't a few people around. Fear rushed through my body. Dammit.

I nearly had a heart attack when I felt someone poke my shoulders. I turned around to see the idiot who scared me.

"It's dark and you're alone, can I give you a ride?", the guy said in a low voice that made my legs go weak. It's him. The hazel eyed boy who is now wearing sweats and a grey hoodie.

"M-my house is n-not that f-far away. I c-can walk.", nice one Luke, good stuttering.

"No, hop inside my car, it's dark. Not safe.", I bit my lip and hopped inside his rover.

He asked me for my address and gave it to him still tripping over my words. The rest of the short ride was quiet. I didn't even bother to talk or ask him anything.

"T-thanks", I manage to say after I jumped of his car. "No worries. Good night.", and before I can even say anything, he drove off.


I didn't get his name.

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