Chapter 26~ He Got a Warning

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I was downstairs eating breakfast with Joey.

You: “Hey, can we visit my family today?”

Joey: “Sure! Do they live near here?”

You: “Yeah, next town over.”

     We cleaned up our dishes and ran upstairs to get ready. Joey asked me if my dad would approve of him. I honestly didn’t know. He asked Nicole if he could borrow her car and she happily agreed. After we got in the car I pulled out my phone to text my mom. She didn’t know I was in Boston.

You: Hey mom, I have a surprise for you next time I visit! Hope you like it!<3

      We talked about our families and some of our friends from Boston. I told him about my best friend Courtney and how the last time I was here, she was 4 months pregnant. Actually, her due date was coming up in a few days. We took a left turn onto a very familiar road. I told him to pull over and he did.

     We both got out and I grabbed his hand and started walking. I turned to face a house that held so many memories. We stood on the porch and I pressed the door bell, feeling my eyes moisten. The door opened slightly to reveal my dad. He stood there with a shocked expression before leaping out and bear-hugging me.

You: “Dad! I missed you so much!”

Your dad: “Not anymore than I missed you!”

     He was almost in tears before turning to Joey and his smile faded. Joey kept glancing back and forth between my dad and I. I cleared my throat and spoke up.

You: “Dad, this is my boyfriend. Joey.”

Your dad: “Nice to meet you boy.” He extended his right arm, which was a good sign because my dad only did this with people he liked.

     He invited us inside and told me my mom was in the kitchen. I snuck up behind her and tapped her shoulder. She jumped and turned around.

Your mom: “Y/n!”

   She hugged me, not as tight as my dad though.

You: “Hi mom! Did you get my text?”

Your mom: “Yes! I was going to ask you when you wre coming back, and look! Now you’re here!”

   She turned to Joey.

Your mom: “And who might you be?”

Joey: “I’m Joey. Y/n’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you!”

Your mom: “Nice to meet you to!”

     She walked up to him and gave him a hug to.  We all walked back into the living room and sat down. I took out my phone to text Courtney.

You: Hey! Will you go see how my moms doing? She told me she was sick.

Courtney: Sure! I’ll tell you when I get there.

     I told my parents that she was coming over. Knowing her she would be here in about 10 minutes. We all talked about random things until I got the message saying she was here. I pulled Joey by the arm into the closet by the front door. We waited until we heard someone open and close the door.

Courtney: “Hey Mrs. Y/L/N!”

Your mom: “Hi Courtney!”

     I quietly opened the door, stepping out followed by Joey. I walked up next to her and put my arm around her shoulder. She screamed before realizing who it was.

Courtney: “(Random nickname?) Oh my gosh! How are you?!”

You: “Great! How about you and your huge pregnant self?!”

Courtney: “Great! Except..the usual!”

     We both hugged again, acting like teenagers.

You: “Courtney, this is my boyfriend Joey.”

Courtney: “Nice too meet you Joey. How long have you been together?”

Joey: “Around a month and a half I guess.”

Courtney: “Good.”

     She leaned in to give him a hug.

*Joey’s POV*

     Courtney leaned in to give me a hug, I accepted it.

Y/n excused herself to the bathroom and Courtney pulled me to the kitchen. She looked me straight in the eyes.

Courtney: “I may be pregnant but I can still hurt you. If you ever hurt her, you will pay. You see that man over there? He loves her, and I wouldn’t suggest messing with him. Because she might not be able to save your life. Just remember that.”

     I smiled nervously and she patted me on my back and walked away. Y/n walked in and gave me her gorgeous smile.

Y/n: “Hey baby!”

Joey: “Hi!”

*Your POV*

     We walked back to the living room and I sat next to Courtney.

Courtney: “So y/n, wanna be in the delivery room?”

Y/n: “Can I?! Yes!!”

Courtney: “Haha, you get to see everything!”

Y/n: “Oh god!”


     We stayed there for about 3 hours. After Courtney left Joey and I decided to leave to.

Y/n: “Bye mom and dad! I’ll see you guys next time. I love you!”

   I smiled and gave them each a hug. Joey hugged my mom and shook my dads hand. I overheard my dad talking to Joey.

Your dad: “Please don’t hurt my little girl. I love her so much.”

Joey: “I won’t. I will protect her with my life. I love her to.”

   I smiled to myself and waved goodbye. Joey and I walked out to Satsuki and got in.

Joey: “That went better than I expected!”

You: “Yeah it did. By the way, my dad likes you.”

Joey: “That’s good!”

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