Chapter 3•

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No they can't do this.

Can they?

" You can't do this to me , I have a life!" I screamed jumping from my seat.

" Honey I'm sorry but we can ,your 17 and until your an adult, we make the choices around here." She said sternly her expression cold.

" Your 'Life' is exactly what your mom and I are trying to get you away from , you can't continue to live like this!" My dad interjected reprimanding me.

" But I-"

" No buts, it's final you'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon so I would start packing" she spoke, her face etched with disappointment.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I sprinted up the stairs.

I can't move to a farm.

I've been a city girl all my life ,,I've never even seen a cow in person.

My pillow smashed into my face and I groaned loudly.

My life is over.

I'm being shipped out.


"You know you can still change your mind " I pleaded to my mom , trying to appeal to any sympathetic bone in her body.

" I'm sorry hunny , it's for the best"she grinned , patting my back.


" ooh! there's your sissy " she screamed with joy.


" Mom!"

They yelped enveloping each other in a bear hug.


I brushed past my sister climbing into her auburn scratched hillbilly truck.

Minutes later I hear her throwing my luggage into the back and climb back in the truck sighing deeply.

I hated this and a part of me hated her for being the one to take me away.

"So, still a rebel I see " She said breaking the silence, I could see her stupid smirk from the corner of my eye.

I wanted to smack it right off .

" Not everyone can be a little daisy picking goody two shoes like you Kali " I sneered.

" someone's a little bitter" she chuckled putting her bulldog key chained keys into the ignition.

"BYE HUNNY" waved my mom vigorously.

"Bye mom , ill call you when I get to hell" I murmured , plastering a smile on my face that didn't reach my eyes.

I immediately wanted to burst out in tears , jump out the car and gravel begging my mom to let me stay. But I knew it was no use my fate was sealed.


Hours into the drive , the road started to turn from cement to dirt , the road getting bumpy and the hillbilly truck shaking vigorously.

"We're almost there" my sister announced , slapping the steering wheel excitedly.

" joy" I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

Minutes later we turned onto a path and I spotted the house. It was pretty big, it looked like something out of a movie. It was light blue with a huge porch where a swing and pooch perched on it. A huge red barn sat beside it with stacks of hay covering the outside.

We stopped suddenly making my hand slide foreword to stop me from hitting my head , scraping my hand on the edge of the window.

"Shit!" I yelped in pain .

"What happened, let me see" my sister yelled , a concerned look on her face.

I stretched out my hand showing her the wound making her face fall.

" Alice your such a baby " she chuckled opening her door.

"Just go on in and ask Harry to get you

a band aid "

" how will I know who he is?" I questioned.

"There's not many people in there , just ask" she replied smirking slightly.

"Whatever" I huffed climbing the porch and pushing the swinging door with force causing it to slam loudly behind me.

I walked further into the house taking in the decor, everything was so old folksy looking like a 196os movie had thrown up in here.

I looked around for people, there was no one in the living room.


I sound came from the hallway sounding like a hammer drilling. I followed the noise slowly meeting a man crouching down pounding a nail into the wall.

" um hello" I spoke getting no response.


The drill stopped suddenly startling me. The man turned to me clear glasses perched on his face.

He quickly reached up and yanked them off , making my breath hitch as my eyes made contact with his green orbs.

"That's me." He smiled sweetly.

" You must be Kali's sister , Alice right?"

" I uh. Um...."I sputtered lost for words.

" you were .. Looking for me" he chuckled helping me out.

" uh yeah" I said recovering from my spaz moment.

" I needed a bandaid"

"Okay, follow me" he smiled guiding me down the hallway.

I couldn't help but stare at his toned but and shaggy curls as he walked infront of me.

Ehh. Maybe this won't be so bad.



AHH CHAPTER 3 woot woot

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