Chapter 4•

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A cough sounds waking me from my dirty thoughts.

I blush immediately being caught staring at his bum.

He chuckles slightly ushering me into the cow wallpapered bathroom.

"Sit" he says pointing to the toilet.

I'm hesitant but I decide not to say anything.

The skin below my shorts shivers as it makes contact with the cold toilet seat cover.

He turns away from me , fishing through the mirror cabinet before facing me again with a box of Dora band aids.

I smirk a little as he fiddles with the bandaid taking off the paper.

"Hand." He beckons motioning for me to show him the scrape.

"umm it's right there" I reply pointing to the now bleeding scar.

"Well, Alice it seems your having a rough first day on the farm " he teases patting my scrape with a wet clothe.

"You have no idea " I whisper , wincing at the sudden contact to the cut.

" We'll I think you'll like it here" he smiles sweetly sealing down the edges of my bandaid.

"Thanks" I say returning his smile.

What he doesn't know is that I actually don't think I can make it two days on this farm.

I'm just not cut out to be a 'farm girl'

" Alice" he speaks, snapping me from my thoughts, making me jump from the seat abruptly.

" ahh slow down there cowgirl, " he chuckles.

"I'm just gonna show you to your room."

I trail behind him , as he climbs the stairs , his chestnut curls bouncing with every step he takes.

"And here we are" he announces as we reach the top of the staircase.

"Your rooms down the hall second door to the left, I'm gonna go get your bags" he finishes before disappearing down the staircase.

I continue down the hallway, my head peeking in the door right before mine.

It seems to be a guys room , it's walls are covered with the same print as the living room ,there are men's deodorant and colognes rimming the desk. The desks also occupies pictures of a guy and a curly headed boy cheezing pretty hard.

My mouth forms an O.

This is Harry's room.

Ehh it's pretty bland , he must be some daisy picking ditsy like Kali.

I'm interrupted by feet traveling up the staircase, making me quickly rush to open my bedroom door.

my eyes widen when I register the sight on my mahogany two door window jumping to my bed.

I scream suddenly , interrupted my Harry bursting in the room.


"What is it?!" His head trying to find the source of my fear.

When he finally spots it his worried look falls and is replaced by a smile.

The room goes silent.

All of a sudden he burst out laughing hysterically.

My expression turns to shock then quickly to annoyance.

"Something funny Larry?" I sneer and by his expression turning I can tell I hit a nerve.

"It's Harry " his face contorted into an annoyed smirk.

"and it's just a spider , they do have those in 'L. A.' right?" he says that last part in a valley girl accent mocking me.

"Whatever Just Kill it and get out "

He sighs and runs a hand

through his curls approaching the hairy eight legged beast.

I sigh with relief when he picks it up and tosses it out the window.

"Ugh Such a caveman."I spit disgusted

that he just picked up that nasty insect.

"Your welcome" he smirks strolling out the room tapping me lightly on the cheek.

I wretch wiping my cheek of the remains of his bug infested germs.


His deep chested chuckle roars down the hallway fading as he grows further.

I roll my eyes and pull my three heavily packed suitcase one by one in my room before passing out on the surprisingly cosy queen bed .


I'm almost done hanging up the remaining of my clothes when a knock and the door interrupts my progress.

"Come in!" I yell and immediately regret it when I'm greeted by the familiar curly headed devil child.

"Can I help you?" I ask clearly annoyed by his presence.

"Dinners ready ,but I see your busy so ill just tell Kali to wrap it up for yo-"

"No! I um ill come"my aching stomach speaking for me.

"Someone's eager." He half laughs at my sudden outburst.

"Are you calling me fat?"I question making his expression change to a guilty frown.

"No I just thought.. That and you were .." He pleads babbling like a fool.

"It was a joke Harry" I smirk stopping his antsy attempt to apologize.

Relief washes over his face and his shoulders visibly relax.

"Besides your cute when you sweat" I state brushing past him and heading for the door.

"Oh so I'm cute" he calls after me and I can just hear the smile in his voice.

"In your dreams cowboy" I scoff , rolling my eyes as I gallop lightly down the staircase.


(I wanna update two times a week so I will when I get a little more reads😏💕✨)

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