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"What's a mud- whatever?"  She asked.  At that point, he realised one of his deepest regrets.  Why?  Because, to get Hermione's sanity back, she needed to trust him.  As soon as he told her about how much of a git he was, shed never trust him again.  And then 10000 galleons down the drain, as he'd never have her brain.  

"Well, in my memory, you said that you would've said that, but you couldn't, as I looked breathtaking.  

He knew exactly what she remembered. 

It was the night of the Yule Ball, and he was walking back to the Slytherin dorms, after somehow getting rid of Pansy.  He hated Blaise at this point - He was the one who practically forced Draco to do this.  Okay, Okay.. Maybe Blaise had just told Draco to find a date, and pointed out Pansy, but still, he could have chosen that third year... what was her name?  Astoria or something like that. ANYTHING (Even a hippogriff) but Pansy. 

All Pansy did was throw herself at him, and that was downright sickening.  It's as if he was loose.  He was not loose.  

Anyway, he was walking when he heard sniffling.  A sob.  More sniffling.  

He decided to help whoever was crying.  Wow.. He thought, I'm so soft.  First, I can't insult Granger- THE MUDBLOOD!- and now I'm helping people.  I may as well be a Hufflepuff.  

He turned around the corner to se the one and only Hermione Granger sitting on the stairs, crying her eyes out.

"What's wrong?"  He asked.

"What?"  she said, "Come to make fun of me?  Kick me whilst I'm down?  Call me a mud-"

"DON'T" He lowered his voice when he realised that Hermione had flinched from his loud words, "call yourself a mud-whatever."

"Why not? You always call me that.  I'm a mud-"

"Granger, you want to know something about me-?"

"No."  She'd replied before he finished.

He ignored that.  "I don't like being disobeyed."

"So?  Why the bloody hell should I care?"

"Temper , temper Granger.."

"Can't you be an annoying ferret somewhere else?"

"Nope."  He said, popping the p.

"Piss off."

"Oh, Granger you're mouth needs cleaning.  But before, it's time for your punishment."

"I'm not going to let- mmph!"  Draco ha plastered his lips to hers,  feeling a raging passion.  He had done it wit the reason being that it was probably one of Granger's nightmares, maybe except for not being an know-it-all, or watching a house-elf  being mistreated, or something stupid like that.  

The real reason he did it was because he liked her. 


I creeped around.  At this point I had no idea what had become of Hermione, I just knew I had to find her as Ron had gone rogue.  

"Adme Hermione."I whispered.  The letters NW came in front of me.  

"Point Me.

And I started to walk.  And in my mind was one thought - Voldemort is going down.  

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