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A/N Hey, thank you all for reading, it really means a LOT to me!!  SO, in this chapter, you are going to find out two things.  1)  You will know the outline of the events that lead to this, this time including all of the dramione bits.  2)  You will find out who the author is.  

SO, no that that's over, let's go on with Reversing the Cruciatus. 

NB- the italics are memories.

"Malfoy."  Hermione said as she approached him in the library. "You're in my seat."

"Why don't you share it with me?"  he said, smirking.  Hermione scowled.  

"Fine, I'll go somewhere else."

"No, No,no, no need for that, you can sit here, I was one joking."  he said, moving to the seat next to him.  Hermione plonked her bag down.

"Why do you want to sit next to me?  I'm a mud-"  He grabbed her wrist and looked he in the eye. 

"I told you not to call yourself that."


"I also told you I don't like being disobeyed.  Remember what happened last time you disobeyed me?"

'"I-err."  She turned bright red and looked away, rubbing the back of her neck.

"You know, Granger, I quite liked our little kiss."


"And I want to experience it again."

"Well, Malfoy, you don't always get what you want."

"But I'm a Malfoy.  I always get what I want."  With that he plastered his lips to hers.  

Draco ran to his room, pulling his tie off and undoing his top buttons, "Why the hell is it so hot in here?"

"Hermione Jean Granger, will you go out with me in secret?"  They'd been sharing stolen kisses all around the school at this point.  


"This is the part where you say yes.."

"Yes, but why in secret?"

"I don't think Potty and Weasel-King would appreciate our relationship."


"And my father would hurt you.  I can't let that happen."

"Why do you care?"

"I really like you, Granger."

"NO!"  he shouted, "NO I DON'T!!  I can't..." 

It was winter, and they were behind the three broomsticks, talking, snow falling all around them. 

"Hermione, I think I may be in love with you."


"You don't love me back, I get it.  There goes me and my big mouth."

"No, Draco-"

"It's fine, okay.  I don't need your pity, I'm fine, it's-"



"I was going to say that I love you too."



She leant in and kissed him on the nose. 

"Is that all I'm going to get."

"Oh, you'll get much more."

"ARRGGHH!!"  Draco shouted.  These memories had been stored in the back of his mind for years.  "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! IT'S NOT TRUE!"

Hermione walked into her dorm, and saw a majestic owl, Hoots- Malfoy's owl.  


Where we kissed for the second time.  

Your favourite day

At the time that it starts all over again

D x

Hermione smiled.  She knew that this meant Monday at midnight in the library.  

She didn't notice the note fall out of a tear in her bag. 

She didn't notice Ginny pick it up and read it.

She didn't notice that Ginny was icy towards her as she thought that Dean was cheating on her.  


That night, Hermione went to the library, to find rose petals leading to her favourite seat.  On the table in front was a rectangle wrapped neatly in plain brown paper.  A label in the corner said 'Hermione'.

She peeled back the wrappings to find a plain book.  She opened it to see that the page had been painted over, and on it was written, 'turn over the page."

She turned over the page, and saw in the right  side that the pages of the book had been carved  and stuck together, until it was on the page about the Unbreakable Vow.  Inside was a small box, and when she opened it, she saw a ring,  she turned to the other page which said 'turn around...'

She turned and behind her was Draco.  He grabbed her hand and knee down. 

"Hermione Jean Granger, if someone had told our younger selves that we'd be here today, we would've sent them straight to St.Mungos.  But I love you with all of my life, and I know that whatever happens in our future, I want to be with you.  Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"


"No.."  Draco said tears streaming down his face.  "No..."

It was the middle of the war.  Draco and Hermione were surround by rubble, and they saw each other by chance.  Harry had died.  the Dark Side was winning.  

"Hermione, save yourself in this war.  Don't think about me, just save yourself."

"No.  A life without you isn't a good one."

"Spare me the sentimental stuff, there isn't enough time."

"I love you."

"I love you too."  He pressed his lips to hers, and they kissed like it was their first and last kiss all in one.

They broke apart after what seemed like a few days.  

"I.  Lost.  Her."  He said in between sobs.  "HERMIONE!"  he shouted. 

She walked up the stairs, and timidly opened the door.  As soon as he saw her face, all of the love that he'd pushed to the back of his head soared through his body, and he plastered his lips against hers, feeling the rush of electricity rocketing throughout his body.  

"I love you"  he said.  She fainted.  


"Adme Hermione."  I said, and the letter "S"  blasted out of my wand.  

"Point me.


"Hermione?  Hermione?  Wake up, please wake up!! I love you, I can't bear to loose you again."  

She moved.  

"Hermione, if you can hear me, please open your eyes."

He eyes flickered open, and she croaked, "I remember.  I remember everything."


I knocked on the door, once, twice, then three times.  

"Who on earth-?"  I heard Draco say.  "Potter?"  He asked as soon as he caught sight of me.  

"In the flesh."  I said.  

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