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The book was more than what Draco expected.  Honestly, he thought that reading it would be  waste of time.  He scanned the first page, which explained why the author had written the book, and saw that it was no joke.   He left the store, after paying.  

He sat at home and opened the book once more.  

Tip One, he read, Give them something they loved. 

How do you feel when you hold something that is important to you, whether it be a broom or a locket or something else that impacts you individually.  Introduce the one who has been Crucio-ed to something they loved.  They will have that feeling of recognition.  They will start to remember.  Write their name below, it'll tell you what you need to know.  

He frowned, before writing Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger is the brightest witch of her age.  But where did she get her knowledge from?  Books.  Her favourite thing.  Give her a book, any book, and she may be able to read it.  If she can, she's gone a long way, you'll have her back to normal in no time. appeared written on the book, in shining black ink, different to the green it was written in.  Draco then remembered  book his father talked about in his second year.  "This book writes back to me.  You can never trust a book like this, Draco, it reeks of dark magic." His father had said to him.  Well, Draco thought, I'll try it out and if anything weird happens i'll get rid of it. 

Draco went to his personal library and found a book-  The Tales of Beedle the Bard.  He brought it down from his shelf and went to the room in which Hermione was kept.  

She growled at him as he entered.  

He opened her cage, after locking the door and she crawled out.  He offered the book to her.  She picked it up.  She then tried to throw it at him, but he caught her wrist.  

"Temper, temper Granger.  You don't throw books at people, you read them.  Your younger self would be ashamed."  He said, looking her in the eye.  She glared, before opening the book.  Huh. Draco thought, She understood what I said.  That's weird.  Is she reading?  Nope.  She can't be. 

But she was. Her eyes quickly skimmed the pages of the book, and she fell into the stories of Babbity Rabbity and became a part of the Naughty Nundu's world.  She was in her element.  

"Thank you." she said after a while. Draco was shocked- she hadn't spoken since he'd got her.  

This could only mean on thing.  

Hermione Granger was coming back.  


Oh, you want to know what happened to the Weasleys in more detail.  Well, I can tell you that they were completely moulded into Dark minions.  In fact, they were at a death-eater meeting at that point in time.  

"And where is Draco Malfoy?" Voldemort asked, "I hope for his sake he hasn't joined those order fools."

"No, my lord.  He wouldn't."  Theodore Nott said, "He looks up to you, dare I say it, he worships you, my lord."

"Yes." He said, dragging out the 's'. 

"But my lord," Ron Weasley said, "how can we be sure of that?  Your greatness thought the same of Severus Snape, but he was a low-down traitor who didn't deserve to be in your presence, my lord."

"If I may intercept." Yaxley said, waiting for Voldemort to give the 'go-ahead', "The Malfoy boy came asking about the Mudblood he bought in the auction. Said he wanted to cure her insanity."  Several people gasped.

"Quiet."  Voldemort said, "Continue, Yaxley."

"But, as bad as this sounds, I don't think he's against you." 


"I think he plans to use Granger' knowledge to take down the Order of the Phoenix!" 

"How can we trust him, my Lord?" Ron said.

"That is true, Ronald."  Voldemort said. "Death eaters Ronald and William Weasley, bring me Draco Malfoy, by Midnight."  

"Yes, my Lord"

"At once, my Lord"

So sad isn't it.  A lovely family has become so evil. But, time will take it's path, and they may change.  Although, that's like saying Bellatrix doesn't love the cruciatus curse.   

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