Sam-He Gets Jealous

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You were sitting on the couch, cuddling with your boyfriend of 2 years, Sam. He was the best boyfriend ever. He's sweet, caring, protective, loyal. He always has been. You love him so much, its insane! You would never do anything to hurt him or ruin your relationship.

You and Sam were watching TV before you left to hang out with yours and Sam's best friend, Colby. You two had been hanging out with Colby a lot lately. You didn't have a particular problem with it, but you could tell Sam did. Yes Colby is his best friend of 5 years, but Sam always got really protective when it came to you, especially when you were hanging out with another guy that wasn't him.

While sitting on the couch, your phone vibrated with a text message. You checked your phone and saw it was from Colby. Out of force of habit, you smiled. But immediately regretted it when you felt Sam's eyes on your phone and you felt his body tense.

Text message: C=Colby Y=You

C: Hey, what time are we supposed to be leaving for our hike?

Y: I don't know. Hold on, let me ask Sam.

C: Okay

You read that last message and asked Sam Colby's question.

"Babe, Colby wants to know what time we're leaving for our hike." You asked and felt Sam tense up again.

"Um," he began and checked to see what time it was then on his phone. "4:30 I guess." He finished and you could tell he was a little annoyed. Was he annoyed at you? At Colby? You had no idea.

Text message:

Y:Hey again. Sam said we're gonna leave at like 4:30.

C: Crap, that's in only 30 minutes. I gotta get dressed. Bye, Y/N. I'll text you when I'm leaving my apartment.

Y: Lol, okay.

You giggled at that last text and didn't mean to, you tried to cover it up but it was too late. Sam tensed up again and started to get off of the couch.

"Where are you going, babe?" You asked kind of worried.

"I, uh, I have to go change clothes."

"O-okay." You said and Sam walked out of the living room and to your guys' bedroom.

He was in there for almost the entire 30 minutes before Colby got there. When Colby opened the front door and walked in, Sam finally came out of the bedroom.

"Hey bro," Colby said with his normal enthusiasm to Sam.

"Hey man," Sam returned with what you could tell was a fake smile and hugged Colby. Colby then hugged you as he always had.

"So, who's ready for a hike?" Colby asked you and Sam. You both smiled and you grabbed your bag and 3 bottles of water from the kitchen.

"Okay, let's go." You said and started walking to the door and Sam grabbed your hand. You walked hand in hand behind Colby down to the parking garage of the apartment building.

"Whose car are we taking, Sam? Mine or yours?" Colby asked Sam.

"Mine," Sam non hesitantly responded.

The three of you walked to Sam's car and he got in the driver's side, you got in the front passenger side, and Colby got in the back seat behind you. After starting the car, Sam puts his hand on your thigh and softly squeezes. You smile and rest your hand on top of his.

*Time skip 2 hours*

You and Sam arrived back to your apartment. Colby went home to his apartment which is on the floor below you and Sam. You had had fun on the hike and you knew Colby had too, but Sam never really spoke. You could tell he was slightly upset about something, so you decide to ask him.

"Babe, what's wrong?" You ask.

"Nothing." He said after plopping down onto the couch.

"Sam, something is obviously wrong. Just talk to me about it." You say sitting down beside him and holding his hand.

"Do you love Colby?" He spats at you and you were taken aback by this question.

"W-what? God no, Sam. Why in the world would you think that??"

"Oh c'mon, Y/N. I see the way you look at him and the way you talk to him. It bothers me cause its the same way you used to look at and talk to me." He said and stressed the word "used."

"Oh my God, Sam, no. Colby is nothing more than my best friend, that's it. You're my boyfriend, you're the love of my life, not Colby. Please, never think that I'd leave you for anyone, especially your best friend. I love you, Sam."

He wasn't looking at you, he was looking down at his lap, contemplating what to say. He wasn't responding, so you crawled onto his lap and straddled him. You placed your hands on his face, forcing him to look at you. You saw tears escaping from his eyes.

"Oh baby, please don't cry!" You said as you wiped the tears streaming down his face. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm crying at the thought of loosing you."

"Babe, you'll never loose me."


"I promise!" You kissed Sam passionately and placed his hands on your hips. You began slowly grinding on him and felt him groan into the kiss. You smiled and got off of his lap and grabbed his hand. You lead him to the bedroom. If he didn't believe that you were only his and always would be, then you would just have to show him.

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