What Is and What Should Never Be (Josh Ramsay/Jared Padalecki)

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Just a test, a pilot if you will. See how well it goes over with the readers. I've had the idea stuck in my head for a while, figured why not give it a go? Mr.Ramsay just strikes me as the jealous husband type and I needed someone he could really be jealous of, hence Mr. Padalecki. Enough of my babble, let me know what you think :)


Brendyl Johnson-Ramsay wiped her forearm across her forehead and sighed. Finally, after several days and countless hours of shooting, the director she was working with was pleased with what they had for this episode of Supernatural. This meant Brendyl, along with the other actors and crew members could take a weekend away from demons, angels and things that go bump in the night and return to reality, living their own lives for a few days.

Earlier that morning, during a break between scenes Brendyl had got a text telling her that her husband and his band were finally home. It had been three months since she'd seen her husband and Brendyl couldn't wait to see Josh. Leaving set and walking back to the wardrobe trailer, Brendyl caught up to one of the show's leading co-stars, Jared Padalecki. Calling for Jared to slow down and making a joke about his towering height and long legs, Brendyl flashed him a smile as he slowed down to wait.

"Jared, Jared, Jared." She repeated his name in a joking manner. "You sure know how to make a gal work for your time."

"Sorry, I didn't see you down there." Jared replied with a joking laugh.

Brendyl rolled her eyes. "Anyway, happy to be done for the week?" she asked out of general curiosity.

"Yes." Jared answered happily. "I can only be beaten and shot so many times in a day. What about you?"

"Extremely." Brendyl nodded, walking into the trailer as Jared held the door for her.

"Maybe, if you're not busy you'd want to grab something to eat, again, tonight?" Jared asked closing the door behind them.

The pair had been having dinner together several nights a week, since Brendyl's husband had gone away on tour. It was innocent enough, a couple of friends who had nothing else to do having dinner and then going home, alone, afterwards. Brendyl was kind of fun to be around, Jared liked her company. If he was lucky, she'd agree. In the last month she had only declined twice.

"I can't, Josh came home this morning and I should really be home, even if he is just going to sleep all day." Brendyl laughed, she knew her husband too well.

"No, I agree you should be home with him." Jared answered with a firm nod. "I didn't know he'd come home yet."

Brendyl nodded, peeling off the jacket she had worn as costume and handing it over to the clothing assistant. "They're home for three months and then gone for six." She explained. "If you wanted, you could come over and have dinner with us."

There was something about having dinner with a couple, who hadn't seen each other in several months that didn't excite Jared in the least. Something told him Brendyl was only offering to make him feel better, about her turning down his offer. Jared would and could very easily go home and make himself dinner, having dinner with Brendyl while her husband was away just sort of made sense. They were two people, who worked together, got along, and there was no harm in enjoying the company of that person.

"No. You go home to the hubby and maybe another night."

"Maybe, I mean we'll have six months worth of nights for dinner." Brendyl added with a smile. "Hell, if we're holed up here then breakfast and lunch too."

Once she was back in her own clothes, Brendyl didn't waste time sticking around for small talk tonight. Josh was home and she wanted to spend every minute with him from now until his next tour. Calling out her farewells to Jared, along with the other couple of crew members in the trailer she bounded down the short steps and toward the area she had parked her car in that morning. Sending Josh a text, not that he'd bother to read it if he was sleeping, Brendyl headed for their favourite little takeout spot and then it was homeward bound.

What Is and What Should Never Be (Josh Ramsay/Jared Padalecki)Where stories live. Discover now