Chapter Two

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Heads up, Brendyl will likely talk about things going on with her character, who to my knowledge doesn't exist. As far as I remember, they've never had an Abigail, if they have correct me! It's all made up, just like the plot she and Mike discuss :D If they ever do have a plot like this, write them and tell them it is mine muhah. Kidding!

Also, like everything I write, look for the little things I slip in. The first chapter had dialogue right out of an episode of Supernatural ;) I like slipping in song lyrics, titles etc etc. *hint* the name of the story is a reference.

A big hint, this one has a line from a movie Jared Padalecki was in, which was said by somebody Josh Ramsay knows very well ;) It also has a line that Jared's character used in the same movie.

Okay enough babble, continue on.


"Hey Sexy Lady." Mike Ayley sang out as Brendyl walked into her home.

"Hey Mikey-Moo." Brendyl cheered, wrapping her arms around his neck as he hugged her tight. "Oh babe, I'm all sweaty you might not want to hug too much."

"I don't care. I have missed you." Mike proclaimed, hugging her tighter and swinging her around, almost knocking her ball cap off.

"I missed you too." Brendyl laughed; as Mike let her go she juggled back and forth, mentioning how he had given her a wedgie as she over exaggerated pulling her camo cabelas shorts down in the back.

"Dude, quit trying to pick up my wife." Josh butted in playfully, shaking his head and tisking at his band mate.

"Oh, Joshie-Boo are you jealous?" Brendyl asked grabbing a water bottle and sitting on her husband's knee, giving him a sloppy kiss.

"No." Josh smirked, leaning forward enough so he could see down his wife's sports bra. Rolling her eyes, Brendyl wrapped her arm around his shoulder, resting her weight on him. "Eww you are sweaty!"

"It's called exercise, try it sometime hot shot." Brendyl acknowledged her husband's distain for anything physical, save for sex.

Making mocking faces at one another, Josh and Brendyl broke into laughter. Kissing his wife and winking at her, Josh let his attention wander for a second or two. Distracted by his wife's entrance, he had interrupted his conversation with Mike about tours. Distracted by this being the first time to see Brendyl in a while, Mike got chattering on about other things. Once the usual questions were out of the way for Brendyl and Mike, next came the heavy hitters. This is where Josh tuned out.

"I hate to do this to you, but what the fuck is up with Abigail? Why is she such a cold bitch this season?" Mike exclaimed wide eyed.

Brendyl shrugged and snickered. She loved how over excited Mike had got about the show; she had especially enjoyed the way he got all bothered about her character's relationships. Josh groaned, Mike was too much sometimes, Brendyl would entertain him for hours talking to him though. It was like a sick disease.

"She's a hunter who has been claimed as a vessel, she has no choice but to be a little bit heartless." Brendyl answered shoving a piece of donut in her mouth. This totally defeated her run, but it was so good. "How would you feel if it were you?"

"The way she treats Dean is horrible." Mike countered with a shake of his head. "Yeah, the guy tried to kill her, but the way she treats Cas is even worse! She needs to blow him or get on with her life."

"I'll be sure to tell the script writers that. They'll love the idea of Abigail blowing Castiel." Brendyl snorted, covering her mouth as she laughed. It was a rather comical idea, the show had seen worse than two angels going at it. "Do you really think Castiel and Abigail could be a thing?"

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