"Average Annie"

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".... Right Xor?"
" Ummm, yeah sure" I responded not knowing what my bestfriend, MacKenzie Jones, had even said to me. We were sitting in the school cafeteria at a table alone. We were the only two out of our circle with 2nd lunch.
"You weren't even paying attention, were you?" she asked me already knowing the answer. Before I could even open my mouth to speak she cut me off. "Your always lost in that big brain of yours. What do you even be thinking about?" she asked.
" I'm obviously thinking about how beautiful and wonderful my bestfriend is!" I responded only half telling the truth.
We'd been bestfriends since the 6th grade, and we're sophomores now, but I still cant get over how beautiful she is. Not in the I'd love to date her sort of way, I could never think of her that way, but in the my bestie is so beautiful I'd  love to be her sort of way. When she'd interrupted my thoughts, I'd been mentally comparing us. Kenzi was gorgeous, and while I wasn't a potato completely, I paled in comparison. Kenzi has the dark chocolate color of an Ethiopian princess, and her skin was smooth like silk. She has a booty like J-Lo and a stomach like Beyoncé. All the guys wanted her, though she never noticed.
While my best friend looks like a queen, I'm Average Annie. Don't get me wrong, I'm cute but I'm nothing compared to her. I'm slightly lighter than her, right on the edge between dark skinned and light skinned. My thighs are thick, giving me the illusion of having a butt from the front, but in reality my booty is flat. My arms and legs are covered in eczema and scars from when I was little. Even still, if I stand in the sun or around grass or pollen, my skin puffs up. My actual size is an XL, but because of my skin and lack of a booty, I tend to wear clothes a few sizes too big for me.
"Whatever Xor," she continued "I was saying how hideous I look with this acne all over my face". I hated when she did that. She was always talking about how bad her acne was when in reality, if you were more than two inches away from her face, you wouldn't even notice it. "Kenz, how many time do I have to tell you, it's barely noticeable." I said for what is probably the millionth time since we'd been friends.
"I look hideo-" she began to say before she was cut off by the bell ringing.
"Stop worrying about your make believe acne and go to class" I said. I began to make my way to the garbage can. My eyes followed her through the door.
I placed my things in the trash then exited the cafeteria. I wove my way through the halls toward my Algebra II/Trig class. When I reached the second floor, I only had to walk a few doors down to get to my class.
That's when I saw them. If I was drinking anything, there would've been a movie style spit take and if I was holding anything. I would've dropped it.

A/N : What do you guys think so far? This is my first story, and I'm both excited and nervous. What do you think of Kenzie?
What do you think of Xora? Who do you think she saw? Getting started on the next chapter right away! In the mean time be sure to Vote Comment and Share!

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