The Arrival of Team Arrow

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Back at STAR labs

"He's at the canyon where he tried to jump but didn't make it. And he just passed out. " Cisco answered Wells question.

"Caitlin, how's his vitals?" Wells asked as he pulled up a seat and started to type things on the computer.

"He's in pain, hurt and unconscious." Dr. Snow said.

"What's that?" Joe pointed towards Well's computer.

"That place has security cameras, if I can hack into their system then we can see who or what took Barry and maybe where they're going."

"We can help with that." A familiar voice said from the entry hallway, and when everyone looked back they were glad to see Team Arrow there to help.

"So what exactly happened?" Oliver asked.

"We figured out who Zoom is. It's Jay Garrick." Iris said because everyone else didn't want to say it. Afraid that if they said it, it'll be true.

"Who's Jay? And why is Harrison Wells alive?" Team Arrow asked.

"Long story short I'm not Harrison Wells from this earth so whatever the other Wells did to you, I did not." Wells from earth 2 said.

"There's another earth, my earth, and from that earth there was a man named Jay Garrick who was the flash, or so we thought. He was actually Zoom. And the way we know this is because Mr. Ramon over here vibed Jay being Zoom." Dr.Wells explained with no trouble.

"Okay that kind of makes a little sense, but I get the point." Felicity said with nods from Diggle and Oliver.

"Now allow me to hack the security systems because man Cisco you take forever." Felicity said while taking a seat and sure enough within 15 seconds they were seeing the canyon where they were just a while back.

"Go back about 15 minutes ago." Joe said.

"Got it!" Felicity replied and everyone looked up at the screens to better yet see their beloved scarlet speedster.

They all saw when Barry arrived at the cliff and screamed his lungs out. They all knew Barry would take it the hardest considering this was one of the many times he was hurt. First with Wells or Eobard, and now Jay or really, Zoom. They waited a couple minutes in silence watching nothing happen on the screen. But then they saw Barry become enveloped in electricity.

"Is that-

"Blackout." Cisco said cutting off Caitlin.

"How is that possible he died, remember?" Caitlin asked

"Wait, look they're saying something." Cisco said while pointing at the screen while Dr.Wells was turning the volume on to the security cameras. When Blackout finished speaking everyone knew where he must've come from. And where he's taking Barry.

"Earth 2."

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