Help From Old Friends.

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"His doppleganger? What's a doppleganger?" Oliver asked clearly confused.

"Your other self on this earth. I'm Harrison Wells from earth 2 therefore I'm earth 1 Harrison Well's doppleganger."

"Okay that's confusing." Oliver replied.

"Um guys, Barry doesn't have all day." Cisco clarified.

Oliver and Cisco each took one of Barry's arms and helped him up.

"So where's Barry's doppleganger?" Oliver asked again.

"Well he also works at the precinct, so he should be there. But how we get in undetected? Not so sure." Cisco replied.

"Leave that to me." Oliver replied.
"What'd you do?!?!?!" Cisco asked while looking at bodies knocked unconscious.

"I said I'll take care of it." Oliver replied.

"I didn't mean kill them!!" Cisco responded.

"I didn't kill them, they got hit with tranquilizer arrows. They're just unconscious." Oliver explained.

"Oh. That makes more sense."

"Ramon! We need to find Barry, Allen doesn't have much time." Wells exclaimed. And in came at perfect timing, Barry's doppleganger.

"Wha- Dr.Wells?! Cisco?! Oh my gosh what happened to me? Or my doppleganger? Or earth 2 me or in your case earth 1 me but then that just confuses thin-" Barry Allen from earth 2 babbled but was cut off my Wells.

"Barry we don't have time. Can you help our Barry?"

"Um...yeah, yeah um...okay um... what happened?" Barry 2 asked.

"Well long story short. Zoom happened." Wells replied.

"Z-Zoom? Like the speedster/ serial killer Zoom?"

"Yep. That would be the one. Anyways, can you help our Barry?" Cisco pointed out.

"Right! Um let me call Iris."

"What? Why?"

"She'll take too long. That's time that our Barry doesn't have." Everyone interjected.

"No she won't, she's downstairs." And sure enough within two minutes the detective was there treating the patient. She managed to get some of the frostbite off and stitch up some of the cuts. She also wrapped the heavily bleeding cut on Barry's stomach with thick, white gauze. By the time Iris was done, Barry was out cold.

"I'm afraid I can't treat his arm. I don't know how broken or serious the injury is." Iris  explained.

"It's alright. Thank you for helping us detective. Now Barry, we could really use your help. " Wells  replied facing Barry 2's direction.

"And what would that be?" He asked.

"Getting us back home."

"You sure this thing is going to work?" Oliver asked.

"I'm sure. All you have to do is just jump when the breach is open." Barry 2 explained.

"Okay then. Let's get Barry and get the hell out of here." Cisco replied.

With help from Oliver, they had each of Barry's arms around their shoulder and ready to go, and Wells was standing by with a gun just for precautions.

"Okay when the breach is open, jump quickly incase it goes unstable, then at least you'll already be out of harms way." Barry 2 explained yet again.

"Got it." And with a flip of a switch, the breach was open and Team Flash/Arrow was on their way back home.

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