What I have to do

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Celeste's outfit in the media

Adrian's POV: Candy rushed out of the room after she had took her phone call, I wonder what it was about? Maybe someone was trying to hurt her...nahhh probably just some girl drama. *SLAM* or maybe not. I ran out of Candy's room to the door that had just been slammed, a sign on the door read: Jason!!

Who is this Jason? Candy's secret little boyfriend that needs to go to hell cause that girl is mi- what am I saying she probably doesn't even like me.I heard screaming and I put my ear to the door


I can't believe it! That's why she rushed out of the room! I really need to calm down I mean this is really serious its either me or her family. Jason's right tho, I'm just a boy that's not more important than her family. I mean he didn't really say those exact words but that's what he meant. I needed to vanish from Candy's life, the first step forgetting about her . I glanced down at my arm that had hot pink ink written on it

*** *** *** Call me - Celeste

I put on my shoes from Candy's room and started dialing her number. I hope this is for the best......no I know its for the best

Celeste's POV Yeah I know we all hate her

I was laying in my deluxe private hot-tub scrolling through all my flawless Instagram posts when I got a call.

Celeste: "Who is this", I snapped

Adrian:" Uhh its Adrian"

Celeste:" Adri-who"

Adrian:" You know the boy who you wrote your number on my arm"

Celeste: Ohh the really cute boy that I was totally winning over yesterday, I don't even know why Candy even tries to compete with me, I'm the most cutest girl at school and I'm wayyyy popularer or whatever than her"Ohh yeah sorry its just I can barely hear my phone is really outdated anyway, what do you need"

Adrian: I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a dat-

Celeste: "Yesssss" I squealed, cutting him off, I already knew what he was going to say, I mean who wouldn't want to date me."Pick me up at 9:00 at 4564 Shellbrook lane". It was only 5:00 but I needed all the time I could get.

Adrian: "Ok see you then, bye"

Celeste: "Byeeeee" I said in a totally cute way.

4 hours laterr(spongebob narrator voice)

*Ding,dong* Yayy he's hereee!!! I went down stairs and opened the door and Adrian was mmmm I could eat him up, he was leaning against the door frame with flowers in his hand and he had on a black t-shirt with a flannel, dark jeans and some red converse."Hello beautiful, here these are for you" he said in his husky, deep voice." I smelled the white flowers ewww they smelled like dog shit but whatever I just throw it out when he's not looking. "Thank you Adrian, they smell super nice I"ll be right back" I went into the kitchen and threw them in the garbage, such a waste for 5 dollars, I could have bought mascara with that.

I went back outside and shut the door, we walked to the car and he opened the door for me and I got in. It's not a Mazarati or anything but It will do I suppose. He got in the car and started the engine "Sooo where are we going, I mean I really don't mind as long as i ends up with your ass in my bed" I said seductively while biting my lip. "I was going to take you out for a movie,dinner,then take you home but I;m totally down for that ending" He whispered in my ear. then he started kissing and sucking on my neck, "Mmm" I moaned. I was going to kiss him but he backed away,"Uh-uh-uh, not yet" he said while moving his pointer finger side to side. "Nobody rejects Celeste Garbeaux" (Pre-nounced Gar-Bow) I then slammed my lips into his, he bit my lip wanting entrance but I didn't let him have it, Wishes only get granted if you asked nicely. He bit my lip again but this time I let him in, then we started french kissing,then we made out a bit. "Celeste" he said in between kisses"Do you wanna bring this to the bedroom instead of the movie" he asked "Yeah, follow me" I opened my front door an led him to my bedroom, he slammed me against my bedroom wall and started taking off my dress, well great now my really expensive pink dress was gone to waste but I guess it was for a good cause.


I know you guys hate my guts right about now but I really am sorry;)


1.How do you like Celeste's POV

@2. Did Adrian do the right thing

3. Who is your favorite character so far


That's all for now

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